October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation BANKING SECTOR’S CADRES IN GREECE Presentation of INE-OTOE research’s main findings
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation Research Objectives Determination of «cadres» in Greece description of demographic characteristics analysis of current labour situation in terms of: working time and conditions Labor relations relationship with Trade Unions compensation level and components
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation Research Framework Desk research on data drawn up from Employment Observatory for the Banking Sector Eurostat other research carried out by private consulting companies Field research through: questionnaire to the Banks’ H/R Divisions questionnaire to employees’ Unions focus group workshops
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation The field research took place from October 1999 to April 2000 and participated: 13 Banks & Financial Institutions representing more than 50% of total sector employment 16 first level Trade Unions Research Framework
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation Definition of «cadres» in Greece There is no legal definition Distinction between «white-collar» and «blue-collar» workers Banks’ annual social reports make the following distinction: Directors or managerial staff Supervisors Specialists
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation A Bank Director in Greece: Forms the 7,1% of the sector’s employment Is a man by 88% Is years old (58%) Possess at least a university degree (50%) Has more than 16 years previous service (79%)
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation TOTAL EMPLOYMENT TIME
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation WHY DO THEY HAVE TO WORK MORE?
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation WHY DO THEY HAVE TO WORK MORE? the Unions' answers Incentives & target setting 12% Other 3% No answer 9% Personnel planning problems 9% Business needing enhansive availability 12% Much work to be done 21% Hard competition 25% Carrier antagonism 9%
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation Consequences of working-time lengthening Positive for the Banks : 62% Positive for the cadres : 28% both the Banks and the Unions feel that bonuses and additional benefits compensate for lengthened working-time (55% of the answers), while the cadres think they don’t (39% of the answers)
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation ROLE ASSIGNED TO CADRES
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation According to the Banks’ opinion a successful «stelexos»: Has worked his way up within the Bank (91%) His experience is equivalent to Knowledge (100%) His is qualified for the position according to existing job descriptions (64%)
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation However, as TOP MANAGEMENT members, in most of the cases (73%) are appointed executives from outside the company
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation The most important challenges executives will have to face in the coming 3 year-time, are: Deriving from Banks’ hard competition Related to target achievement Born with mergers and acquisitions Incorporated in managerial and operational procedures reengineering
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation
October 2000EUROCARDES steering committee / INE-OTE research / presentation Cadres’ relationship with Trade Unions There are no labor Unions, of any level, especially for Cadres Cadres have different degree of participation in existing Unions Banks think that Unions’ engagement in Cadres’ special problems solving is insufficient While the Unions think the opposite