Recap of Day 1 June 11, 2007 Africa Region Consultation on Multisectoral Response
Introductions Diversity of participants – both MAP and non-MAP, public sectors, private sector, NGO/CBOs, and the Bank Political will and ownership are necessary to ensuring success of national programs Participants should focus on results for the future and staying ahead of the changing epidemic
Changing HIV Epidemics Need for countries to stay ahead of the epidemic and the myriad ways in which the epidemic tries to ‘fool’ the national response Variety of transmission drivers –Concurrent sexual partners –Commercial sex workers, and –Combination of sex workers and multiple partners Country litmus test should be ‘where did the last 1,000 infections come from?’
Sharing Experiences – Key Lessons from Rwanda MOH Overall political leadership and will to ensure and implement donor harmonization Common procurement ensures alignment to set standards and gains of economies of scale Performance based contracting for improved quality of services Simplified information flow framework Ownership through decentralization HIV services incorporated within existing health facilities Challenges include HRH, limited HBC and OVC Generated significant discussion on details
Sharing Experiences – Key Lessons from Ghana MOE HIV integrated within sectoral strategy Full-time HIV Secretariat HIV integrated within educational curriculum, not as separate subject but within existing subject areas Training for all teachers on integrated HIV curriculum Work on 3 pillar implementing structure led by (i) Teachers (ii) Children, and (iii) School community Challenges include lack of resources, limited teacher interest, uncertainties about whether transfer occurs and quality of life skills given to students
Sharing Experiences – Key Lessons from Zambia Transport Sector Private sector perspective and response to HIV within transport sector Addressing drivers within large transport companies – via union, driver association, key transport routes Incorporate activities for drivers and spouses through monthly sensitization activities Mobile VCT services provided at key transport terminals Providing care and support for orphans and widows through IGAs
Sharing Experiences – Key Lessons from Eritrea Ministry of Defense Sensitization through provision of core data and examples of ‘good practice’ for sector to follow Universal testing – mandatory every 2 years for all, and for conscripts or pre-marriage Testing allows understanding the scope of the challenge, therefore better planning Availability of prevention interventions made routine Continuing education and training to sustain message Also do community outreach, seen as successful Challenges include notification of families on test results (commanders know already)
Hallmarks of M-S Response Use evidence Develop sectoral plan to guide implementation for various sectors that focus on biggest drivers of epidemic M-S response is the responsibility of all and not only the Public Sector entities – A strong partnership is needed. All ministries must have budget line for HIV Roles defined by competence and comparative advantages of each sector and their partners 3 essential factors – availability of resources within country, quantifiable results to reach and political will
Hallmarks of M-S Response Each sector must answer the questions: –What is the sector’s key contribution? –What is the impact of HIV on the sector itself ? –What will help to determine the appropriate response? Go through mapping exercise to see key players and determine comparative advantages of each sector and which other partners can be leveraged to make a difference Processes and policies should be owned by the implementers Throughout implementation need to monitor and evaluate the relevance and effectiveness of our activities
Feedback Highly useful 1. Relevance of this presentation to your current work or functions 75% 2. Extent to which you have acquired information that is new to you 29% 3. Usefulness for you of the information that you have acquired 54% 4. Clarity of the presentation 62% 5. Focus of this session on what you specifically needed to learn 44% 6. Extent to which content of this session matched the announced objectives 60% 7. Overall usefulness of this session 63% 8. To what extent will you adopt the group discussion recommendations 63%