Scientific Notation Used for very small or very large numbers Write out 1 million Write out 2.75 billion Write out 602 sexillion – That is 24 digits total
Scientific Notation Consists as a product of 2 numbers. A coefficient and a power of x = 602 sexillion 2.5 x 10 4 = 2.5 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 Or 25000
Put the following into scientific notation: A) 36,000 B) 5,200,000 C).00521
Significant figures The digits known precisely + 1 digit. A method of reporting measurements. Your odometer reads to the tenth. It’s not appropriate to report a distance measured with an odometer as miles
Significant Figures Reporting measurements correctly is the easy part The line is between longer than 6.0 cm, shorter than 6.1 cm We know precisely 6.0, we can estimate the next digit… 6.05cm This ruler measures to 3 SIGNIFICANT FIGURES
Significant figures…rules Every NON-zero is significant 24.7 m 74 ml 582 g Zeros between NON- zeros are significant ft 4007 g Leading Zeros are NOT significant – PASCAL's – 0.45 meters These are ‘place holding zeros’. Write these measurements in scientific notation to avoid ‘place holding zeros’ Reading other peoples measurements…
Significant figures…rules Ending zeros AFTER a decimal point ARE significant. – 47.00m (4) – g (5) Ending zeros BEFORE a decimal point. Are NOT significant – 7000m (1) These are once again ‘place holders’ UNLIMITED… Counting – #of kids in the class Exactly defined quantities – 1hr=60 minutes – This is an exact definition…The significant figures are unlimited. You could say 1 hr = min Reading other peoples measurements…
Significant Figures and calculations Have you ever asked a teacher: “How many numbers do I write down?” The real answer depends on the number of significant figures in the calculation
Significant Figures and calculations +,- round to the same # of places as the measurement with the least significant place value. Ex: g g g Report as 62.8 g
Significant Figures and calculations Multiplication and division. Round to the # of significant figures in the least accurate term. Ex: 17.8 x Answer has 3 significant figures Report the answer as