In your journals on the next empty space write the date and “Do Now,” then describe the advantages of both using maps and globes. And list this entry in your table of contents.
Globes show accurate shape, distance, and direction; not convenient for everyday use; maps are easy to use; some distortion of shape, distance and direction Aerial photographs and satellite images provide current information but do not show features that are hidden.
Today is Wednesday, October 14, 2015 You will need your: planner, Social Studies journal, Social Studies book. and a writing utensil. Announcements: Consequences for talking at the wrong time. Any Student-led conference time sheets? Kaitlyn Dee Anndell Yanni Aden Phillip Tuaoa Deanna
Please write this learning target in your planner: Learning Target I will learn two different types of maps and their advantages and disadvantages. Practice Activities I will read the section “Getting It All on the Map.” I will answer the Reading Check question and other questions. I will study how Mercator and Robinson Maps are made. Success Criteria I will understand the advantages of using Mercator and Robinson Maps. I will have successfully answered several questions about them.
Turn to page 18. Review the term “available. Read pages And in your journals answer the Reading Check question on page 19.
1. Describe a Mercator projection. Mercator maps expand the area between the longitude near the poles. 2. Who were these maps useful to and why? 3. To sailors, because they showed direction accurately. 4. In your table groups, discuss the problem with Mercator projections. 5. Distances and size become distorted the farther the area is from the Equator.
1. In your table groups, describe an equal- area projection. 2. Shows the correct size of landmasses but alters their shapes. 3. Why do geographers believe the Robinson projection is the best world map available? 4. If you were planning to travel by ship from Los Angeles to Hong Kong, which map projection would you use? Why? 5. Mercator because its accurate directions are useful for navigation.
Learning Target I will learn two different types of maps and their advantages and disadvantages. Homework none Exit Task On a half sheet of paper write down why the advantages of a Mercator Map.