Richland Creek Water Supply Program Contract for WTP and Pump Stations CMAR Services and Program Update Paulding County, Georgia Board of Commission Work.


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Presentation transcript:

Richland Creek Water Supply Program Contract for WTP and Pump Stations CMAR Services and Program Update Paulding County, Georgia Board of Commission Work Session Briefing November 11, 2014

2 Richland Creek Water Supply Program Elements 1.Dam and Reservoir 2.River Intake and Pump Station 3.Raw Water Pipelines 4.Water Treatment Plant, Reservoir Intake and Pump Station 5.Distribution System Improvements

3 Update on other RCR Program activities WTP / Pump Stations / Reservoir Final Design Final design ongoing – working on 30% Design Raw Water Pipeline Design / Build RFP RFP has been issued Bids are due on December 1, 2014

4 is active 190 visitors since 10/20/ page visits Average 4.7 pages per visit

5 Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) CMAR selection based on experience, qualifications, and other factors (cost) Engineer designs project CMAR involved during design (constructability, value engineering, cost estimates, schedule) Owner and CMAR negotiate GMP during design – early determination of construction cost During Construction CMAR provides project insurance, bonding, oversight Subcontractors can be competitively bid Program Manager

6 CMAR Contractor Procurement RFP included evaluation of qualifications, experience, project approach, and cost 8 proposals received Shortlisted to 3 companies (Haskell/Layne, Pizzagalli Construction, and Kiewit Construction) Pizzagalli Construction was selected

7 Pizzagalli Construction (PC) 100% Employee Owned Contractor headquartered in Burlington Vermont Ranked in top 50 water/wastewater contractors in ENR Experience with numerous similar sized water treatment plant and intake / pump station projects throughout the SE Local experience includes the recent Gwinnett County Yellow River Water Resources Center (also a CMAR project).

8 CMAR Contractor Scope Preconstruction Services Will work with WTP / PS designer (ARCADIS) to develop design and Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) at 30%, 60%, and 90% levels Once 30% GMP is established, funding can be pursued, and design can be developed to keep this budget Preconstruction Services Cost - $300,060 Construction Services PC will serve as general contractor – all project components will be competitively bid Future GMP will come before Committee for Approval

9 1. Reservoir 2. Raw Water Pump Station 3. Raw Water Pipeline 4. Treatment Plant, Reservoir Pump Station 5. Distribution System Improvements Design PhaseConstruction Phase Reservoir Designer Design Build Team Reservoir Contractor Pump Station Designer Distribution Designer CMAR Contractor WTP Designer CMAR Contractor Distribution Contractor

10 Next Steps Reservoir Design to 100% River Intake/ PS Design to 30% WTP Design to 30% Reservoir Intake/ PS Design to 30% CMAR 30% GMP Cost Decision Point Finalize Sizing of Improvements Bidding and Construction of Reservoir River Intake/ PS Design to 100% And Construction WTP Design to 100% and Construction Reservoir Intake/ PS Design to 100% And Construction Raw Water Pipeline D/B Procurement Final Design and Construction of Raw Water Pipeline

11 Overall Program Schedule