1 The Academic Scorecard: Measures of Organizational Effectiveness Mehmet A. Ozturk UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Rossier School of Education Eighth Annual American Association for Higher Education Conference on Faculty Roles and Rewards New Orleans, LA February 5, 2000
2 AAHE Scorecard 5 February 00 v.1
3 STAKEHOLDER PERSPECTIVE How do stakeholders see us ? GOALS Quality academic programs Student- centeredness MEASURES Ranking in U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT; teaching effectiveness Quality of student services/advising
4 Stakeholder Perspective APR/Faculty Retreat 28 Jan 2000 v.2
5 INNOVATION AND LEARNING PERSPECTIVE Can we continue to improve academic management, stakeholder perspective, and internal business perspective? GOALS Improve quality of degree programs Improve quality of students MEASURES Academic Program Review, accreditation/peer reviews, financial assistance to students SAT/GRE scores, student composition
6 Innovation and Learning Perspective APR/Faculty Retreat 28 Jan 2000 v.2
7 ACADEMIC MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVE How do we look to our university leadership? GOALS Improve budget performance Improve school operations MEASURES Net surplus of income; endowments, recovery of indirect costs Productivity, information technology and systems
8 Academic Management Perspective APR/Faculty Retreat 28 Jan 2000 v.2
9 INTERNAL BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE What must we excel at ? GOALS Improve faculty productivity MEASURES Faculty Productivity Report, teaching effectiveness
10 Internal Business Perspective APR/Faculty Retreat 28 Jan 2000 v.2