When is the best time to think about jobs? Bell-Ringer: (yes or no) 1.___ Know anyone who has a hard time finding a job? 2.___ Know anyone who talks about.


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Presentation transcript:

When is the best time to think about jobs? Bell-Ringer: (yes or no) 1.___ Know anyone who has a hard time finding a job? 2.___ Know anyone who talks about changes in the job world? 3.___ Know anyone who likes or doesn’t like their job? 4.___ Has anyone given you advice about jobs and how to plan?

Today’s Standard ELACC3W7: Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. ELACC3SL4: Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace.

Essential Questions Why are we talking about jobs in elementary school? How can we make good choices as things change? How can we look at several sources and make sense of the information?

After the lesson you should be able to: --Explain what it means to “cite evidence” --Support your ideas about jobs with examples from what you read and saw --Describe how to write an essay with facts from other sources --All notes and videos in this lesson can be found at: Learning Targets

What about big rigs?big rigs Are things changing on the highway?

1. According to Buzz 60, one company in Europe is making a truck that can drive itself. Highway jobs are changing fast.

--to support your ideas with something that you read and give credit where it came from. To cite evidence means….

Will places like McDonald’s always be the same? (CNN) -- Last week we asked for your thoughts on the future of work. This week we are publishing a selection of your s, which forecast a range of changes, from an explosion in telecommuting to nearly fully automated fast food joints. When talking about the workplace of the future one has to consider which job is being talked about. My example of a workplace that will undergo extreme changes from now until then is McDonald's. McDonald's will not need to employ 15 or 20 people. They will replace them with machines. Like on an assembly line for a car manufacturer, robots will mindlessly cook and then piece together every burger or chicken nugget. For now of course, there will always be need for a human face to be around for guests, and machines will always need maintenance. Ryan Shuhart, Orlando, Florida (2006)machines

Why now? 2. CNN Money believes that more robots are showing up in jobs because computers are getting faster and cheaper.

How are robots being used? Technology is changing the way that people work.work

What jobs are affected? 3. News Daily said that robots are even working on farms because it is cheaper to use them than to pay for people to do the work.

What will happen? 4. According to USA Today, millions of jobs are at risk in the next 10 to 20 years because of automation.

What about you? The U.S. government, has a site that can help students to start thinking about jobs. Work with a partner. Then go to the BLS page to look at some basic groups. Choose one that sounds good. Both you and your partner will need to find three good facts about a job that you like and write those on your note page. You will need that later.BLS page

Get the facts on your choice. 5. One job that I like is ________________ 6. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), you can make____________ in that field. 7. The outlook for _____________ is_______________ when you look at information from the BLS.

Post your idea at the Lino Page

Now put it all together. Write three paragraphs about this topic. Include these three steps.

citation In three paragraphs, show…. 1.how technology will change the way people work 2.the job that I like… 3.how I can help myself to get ready for jobs 4.(or) what will happen to people who are not ready for the changes in work

Example about this topic: Jobs are changing. According to a group called Buzz 60, one company in Europe made a truck that can drive itself. That means you will see big rigs on the highway that are on auto-pilot. CNN Money said the computers are getting faster and cheaper. That will make it easier to build robots. There are some now even on the farm that can do simple jobs. A job that I like is working with computers. I like to set up my own web pages. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a job like that can pay up to $62,500 a year and you only need an associate’s degree. That is two years of college. The outlook for that job is “faster than average” said the BLS. That means my chances are good at finding work. The outlook is not good for people who are unskilled. According to USA Today, millions of jobs will be lost in the next ten years. Technology is changing the whole idea of work in many ways. That means you need to learn a skill that is hard to replace. I want to do something that robots can not do. To get there I will need the best education that I can get. I plan to work hard on that today.

For this assignment, you should have… 1.filled out the notes from the videos. 2.chosen a job from BLS. 3.listed your choice at the Lino page. 4.written three paragraphs to combine what you learned.

To sum it all up… To cite evidence means: 1.You borrow someone else’s ideas that are written or published. 2.You give the writer credit when you use their ideas or facts. 3.You reword the examples on your paper in a way that makes sense. 4.You don’t copy word for word. 5.You make your writing stronger with the added “support”.