EXPORT Converting HYPACK ® Data Files to DXF, DWG, DGN, User Defined Formats
Export of HYPACK ® Files to DXF The EXPORT program can convert your HYPACK files and project files to a DXF, DWG, or DGN file. HYPACK ® AutoCAD
Inherited Files EXPORT inherits the enabled/disabled status from the HYPACK ® Data Files and Project Files windows. You can modify the settings from inside EXPORT. You can also select files that are external to the project for conversion. Right-click on the ‘Files’ icon at the bottom.
CAD Parameters In the Options window, click the “CAD Parameters” item to access: 3D Position of Sounding Specify the Z-Level where you want the sounding object placed. Remember in CAD, Z is positive upwards. Sounding Text Object Allows you to negate the z- value or take the absolute value of the z-value. Text X-Scale Factor 0.7 is a nice value. DXF/DWG Output Version What version of DXF/DWG do you want to write?
Sounding Parameters: Layer Names Layer Name: Name of DXF layer soundings will be on. Soundings to Layer Options: Use Sounding to Layer Ranges: Groups soundings to different sub-layers based on depth ranges. Use Source Filename as Layer: Every data file gets its own layer. Use Source LOG Filename as Layer: Every catalog file gets its own layer. Use HYPACK Color File
Sounding Parameters: Styles Point Object Only 32.6_ Single Object Soundings Single Text Object Spaces are added at end of sounding to have decimal point centered Double Object Soundings 32_6_ Text Object Decimal Point Text Object 32 6 Cartographic Text entity for units Text entity for fraction Smaller font 32.6 Default (Nothing Checked) Two Text Objects One Point Object (decimal point) Vector All digits are polyline objects. Precise Placement. Recommended Note: Users can export Vector style soundings with either Cartographic or Decimal Point on the Mark (default).
Sounding Parameters: Continued…. Text Height : In real world units (meters or feet) Text Angle Styles: Fixed Angle Perpendicular to LNW Parallel to LNW Export Colored Soundings: Supports any range of colors. No need to have DXF color values.
Planned Line Parameters Layer Name: Name of the DXF layer where the planned lines are placed. Text Height: The height of the label in real world units. Label Planned Lines: Yes or No Text Angle Style: Fixed Angle Perpendicular Parallel
Target Parameters Layer Name: Name of layer for targets. Text Height: Height of label in real world units. Target Circle Radius: Circle increment in real world units. Number of Circles
Grid Tic Parameters Layer Name: Name of layer for grid tics in DXF file. Distance Between Tics: Distance in real world units. Tic Size: Size of tic in real world units. Sheet Sides Label A better option to output tics and sheet borders to DXF is the HYPLOT program. HYPLOT can export: All HYPLOT Borders X-Y Grids and Labels Lat-Long Grids and Labels Soundings Tracks Title Blocks and Text Scale Bars and Compass Roses… No graphics
Trackline Parameters Options for layer, text height, event circle radius and text angle style. Option to label events based on fix number or time. Option to export each trackline to its own layer. Time Labels, Fixed Angle = 0.Event Number Labels, Perpend. to Line
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EXPORT Results in AutoDesk DWG Trueview