Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay (Using TopView) Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay (Using TopView) Ido Mussche NIPHAD meeting, Februari 9 th :


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Presentation transcript:

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay (Using TopView) Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay (Using TopView) Ido Mussche NIPHAD meeting, Februari 9 th :

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 2 OutlineOutline 1___ Introduction to Research Subject 2___ Analysis: TopView 3___ Some results 4 ___ Outlook 1___ Introduction to Research Subject 2___ Analysis: TopView 3___ Some results 4 ___ Outlook

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 3 Estimated cross section ttbar: 800 pb Luminosity: 1fb -1 tt  6jets events: (in first year of running) IntroductionIntroduction t t  6 jets

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 4 IntroductionIntroduction t t  6 jets Research subject: - Optimize fully hadronic signal - Investigate and map background - Compare with semi-leptonic channel Offline in cooperation with online trigger (Menelaos)

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 5 AnalysisAnalysis RDO ESD TopView AOD AANtuple Analyze with Ntuple data Histos Algorithm Configuration Add your own stuff Analysis Results Histos Or Small Ntuple Histos AANtuple

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 6 AnalysisAnalysis TopView: Collection of common tools for top group built around EventView framework Starting point for implementing analysis or use as NTuple dumper tool Includes C++ tools and Python modules C++ : Variable calculator (TruthLabeller, Total Invariant mass) Python: Inserters (Reco, Truth), Analysis (W reconstruction, Top reconstruction), Matching (Truth to Reco and Reco to Truth)

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 7 AnalysisAnalysis Levels of customization in TopView: Use default top JobOptions file (change/include ntuple variables, include analyses) Make your own top jobOption using existing python modules and C++ tools, creating your own analysis Write your own python modules Write your own C++ tools

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 8 AnalysisAnalysis Step 1: Insertion and kinematics calculation Electron Muon ParticleJet (b-tagged) Truth AOD Insertion and overlap removal Insert objects in order, remove particles in same region Kinematics calculation Loop over Final State Objects, calculate kinematics, add prefix and dump in User Data TopView Final State Objects ElectronParticleJet (b-tagged) Muon Truth User Data Inferred Objects El_p_T Mu_E PJet_eta EtMiss

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 9 AnalysisAnalysis Step 2: Combine jets to W and calculate variables TopView Final State Objects User Data Inferred Objects HadronicWReconstruction_m odule.py: EVSimpleCombo/HadronicWMaker( Labels[“ParticleJet”] OutputLabel[“HadronicW”] NDaughters[2] LowMass[60] HighMass[100] ) Hadronic W ElectronParticleJet (b-tagged) Muon Truth El_p_T Mu_E PJet_eta EtMiss HadW_p_T HadW_m

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 10 AnalysisAnalysis Step 3: Find closest b-jet to W and combine to top TopView Final State Objects User Data Inferred Objects TopReconstruction_module.py: EVGeneralCombo/TopMaker( Labels[“W”, “ChosenBJet”] OutputLabel[“TopLabel”] NDaughters[2] LowMass[0] HighMass[10000] ) Loop over Ws and find+label closest B-Jet ElectronParticleJet (b-tagged) Muon Truth Hadronic W Top El_p_T Mu_E PJet_eta EtMiss HadW_p_T HadW_m

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 11 AnalysisAnalysis Step 4: Calculate top variables, match with truth, and create AANTuple TopView Final State Objects User Data Inferred Objects ElectronParticleJet (b-tagged) Muon Truth Hadronic W Top El_p_T Mu_E HadTop_N PJet_eta EtMiss HadTop_m HadW_p_T HadW_m HadTop_Tru_m

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 12 ResultsResults Mean should be 175 GeV Reconstructed top mass fitted with simple Gaussian for events All results are extracted from: Csc TTbar_FullHad_McAtNlo_Jimmy.recon.AOD.v

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 13 ResultsResults GeV Reconstructed mass split up in matched (fitted with Gauss) and unmatched (fitted with Landau) From tops only 3269 matching are found.

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 14 ResultsResults Total reconstructed fitted with convoluted Gauss + Landau

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 15 ResultsResults Reco –True (eta) True (eta)

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 16 ResultsResults Reco –True (pT) True (pT)

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 17 Extra plots Reco –True (pT) True (eta)

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 18 Extra plots Reco –True (eta) True (pT)

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 19 Future goals Optimize hadronic top reconstruction: Map background Check jet energy scale calibration Compare with semi-leptonic channel Kinematic fit

Fully Hadronic Top Anti-Top Decay 20 Extra plots