Prehistory The time before written records
Vocabulary Words: 1.Anthropologist 2.Archaeologist 3.Bronze 4.History 5.Prehistory 6.Primary 7.Radiocarbon dating 8.Secondary 9.Stonehenge
1.Is the record of events in the past. _________________________________ 2.A personal diary is an example of a _____source. _____________________________ 3.A book written today about events 1,000 years ago is a _____ source. ________________ 4.Scientist who studies the remains of early people ______________________________ 5.Scientist who studies the origins and behaviors of people. _______________________ 6.May have been used to honor gods and predict eclipses. _________________________ 7.Prehistoric humans learned to melt copper and tin to make _______________________ 8.An __________________ is something made by a human being. 9.Period before written records. _________________________________ 10.With ____________________________, scientists calculate the age of objects. Anthropologist archaeologist artifact bronze history prehistory primary Radiocarbon dating secondary Stonehenge
Sec. 1: The Meaning of History Why do we study history? to understand C_____________ L________________ Values, teaches us lessons primary source F_________ hand account. Eyewitness, they were there. secondary sources S__________ hand accounts Someone who is not there, but reports about it Primary source: A fight breaks out in the cafeteria during your lunch period, you were there to hear the fight. Secondary Source: A friend hears about the fight, who wasn’t there, and tells you what they know..
Sec 2 Why study History? We study h________ to help us understand how we got here. History helps us to understand how we got to the p___________ The past gives us r___________. These anchor us to those people who have gone before us. History gives us a sense of being connected with the p_______ of the past. By knowing the past, we may be able to decide what to do in the _f_________________.
Sec 3: The way historians work An archaeologist … An anthropologist.. An artifact… A.D means.. B.C. means….
Stone Age FireFarmingPottery
History Records events Who? What? When? Where? Why? Primary sources Secondary sources Archaeologist: Studies things Anthropologists: people Pre-history: Time Before written records Studying history Helps us Understand The Past Earliest period Of human hist. STONE AGE Humans planted, used Tools,fire, and pottery Some worked With metal BRONZE AGE