Diane’s Tea Room & Gift Shop Lisa Fisher
Overview This Company will sell all different types of tea, and a few different types of soups, sandwiches, and a small assortment of desserts. Along with the tea and food, a gift shop will be attached. In the gift shop, there will be small antiques, and floral arrangements, and things of that nature. The location would have to be somewhere where many people would see the building but not too close to the highway for noise reasons. The number of people would be nine. The estimated sales would be $45,000.
Hardware This company will need a desk top Dell Computer, with a mouse and keyboard and speakers. And a printer. The company will use CD’s for storage devices.
Software The company will run on Windows XP, and use Microsoft Word, and Excel. Any presentations will be done in Microsoft PowerPoint.
Data My data tables will be done in Microsoft Excel And will include: Employee Information-name, address, phone number. Customer Information- name & mailing address. Equipment- What it’s used for Inventory
People Owner/ Company Manager Duties: In charge of payroll and finances of the company. Ensures that the dining room and kitchen is in top condition. And that all procedures are being followed properly. In charge of the Gift Shop. In charge of buying & price setting of the Products.
People Dining Room Manager Duties: In charge of making sure that the dining room procedures are followed. Scheduling of the dining room staff. Customer Satisfaction/Complaints. Washing of the table linens.
People Kitchen Manager/ Main Cook Duties: Ensures that all Kitchen procedures and OSHA laws are followed. Ensures that all Tea and Food served is top quality and fresh. In charge of scheduling for the kitchen staff. And Kitchen Inventory.
People Dining Room Staff (3) Duties: Seat customers Take orders from customers Bus Empty Tables Vacuum dining room at the end of the evening.
People Kitchen Staff (3) Duties: Prepare Food and Tea. Dishwashing Cleaning of the kitchen and mopping at the end of the evening.
Procedures Procedures for opening and closing, work attire, and food and tea preparations will be typed up & saved in Microsoft Word. And will be displayed for all staff to see. These Files will be backed up onto two CD’s, one kept at the company, and one kept with the owner.