1 Groundwork London in Europe
2 Interreg IIC Understand NUL Identify development potential of NUL How to integrate social & cultural aspects Formulate conceptual planning answers to NUL (new planning concepts; new planning instruments; new planning procedures) International exchange, networks New Urban Landscapes
3 Sustainable & Accessible Urban Landscapes Practical investigation of NUL Interreg IIIB North West Europe Jan 2003 – June 2008 Budget €23.4M, ERDF €10.7M The SAUL project
4 The SAUL Partners
5 Regional demonstration projects Socially inclusive spaces – leisure, recreation, quality of life, social equity, economic prosperity Planning through partnerships Regional planning & regional identity The Learning Region SAUL
7 Application process requires considerable time and effort from all partners – deadlines are absolute, advice from Secretariat is minimal If successful: Complex financial & audit requirements – finance & audit expertise required by all partners Cashflow delays Exchange rate movements Communication & translation Interreg Challenges
8 Individual learning Organisational learning Experience and advice to regional projects Partnership reputation & development (local, regional, national, EU) Funding Interreg Benefits
9 1 st call Sept 07 – Vital City Regions 1 Innovative approaches to place- making through new green infrastructure as part of integrated urban development policy, aiming to build spatial and social capital for the new European economy. (1) Waterways (2) climate change (3) social capital (4) economic growth Feedback – lack of focus; innovation; transnationality; budget reduction Interreg IVB NWE
10 2 nd call May 08 – Vital City Regions 2 To change attitudes, behaviours and practical responses to the challenges that climate change raises (1) Adapting spatial planning strategies (2) adaptation responses for multi- functional urban open space (3) mitigation responses for multi-functional open space (4) engaging communities and stakeholders in climate change. Feedback – budget reduction; even more focus; more innovation; clearer transnationality Interreg IVB NWE
11 3 rd call Oct 08 – C-CHANGE A 'sea-change' in attitudes, behaviours and practical responses to climate change. (1) Ensure spatial planning strategies prepare city regions economically, socially and environmentally to adapt to climate change and mitigate their contribution (2) demonstrating how multi-functional urban open space can be developed for practical responses to urban living in a changing climate (3) demonstrating how to engage stakeholders. Interreg IVB NWE