Analyst (Frosh) Application Due Monday, September 21 st Please fill out the following deck, answering the questions contained in the slides and send to: Ellen Xue, Managing Director Mehwish Panjwani, Managing Director Timothy Wang, Managing Partner
About Us Not-for-profit student consultancy founded in 2004 One of the most selective groups at Queen’s with a ~10% acceptance rate Clients are either small or large businesses; past clients include the Toronto Star and the United Way Alumni and consultants in all industries, with a concentration of alumni at the world’s top consulting firms Mission CREO strives to facilitate unparalleled opportunities to consult for real businesses and to expand the professional development opportunities in the consulting industry for Queen’s University students. Vision To be one of the world’s most innovative and influential student consultancy groups. A BOUT U S APPLICATION QUESTIONS
THE THREE C’S OF CREO ABOUT US APPLICATION QUESTIONS Consultants Clients Community At CREO, we are committed to our team’s personal and professional growth. From paid certification programs like Google Analytics to CREO-exclusive workshops hosted by industry professionals, we are committed to you. Clients come to us looking for solutions to their complex business problems. By matching our clients’ needs with our consultants’ competencies, we are able to tailor both a team and solution specific to our clients’ businesses. From a pro-bono project each semester to donating a portion of profits to a charity of the team’s choosing, CREO is committed to creating a positive impact in the community.
The number of Analyst positions available will be determined by the quality of applications received. Analysts will be staffed on teams of 3-5 students to tackle challenging business problems for real clients in each semester. As a CREO analyst, you will have opportunities in many areas, such as: Designing qualitative and quantitative market research instruments Conducting primary and secondary research on a business or industry Integrating qualitative and quantitative information to create insights regarding client issues Leveraging problem solving skills and frameworks to develop solutions Synthesizing and communicating results to clients Collaborating with clients and CREO team members to implement solutions Gaining immediate responsibility for project deliverables Taking initiative to advance your problem solving skills and CREO’s capabilities In addition to project work, CREO strives to invest in the professional development of its members. We invest in preparing our members for consulting recruiting and have an extensive case preparation resource pool. P OSITION D ESCRIPTION ABOUT US APPLICATION QUESTIONS
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out all required personal information. Please answer questions 1-3 using bullet points. For question 4, the formatting is your choice. WHEN YOUR APPLICATION IS COMPLETED, PLEASE: Save the document as “Your Name – CREO Application.ppt”. Submit an electronic copy of your application as well as a current resume via to Ellen Xue Mehwish Panjwani and Timothy Wang Sign-up for an interview timeslot using the Doodle interview link posted along with the application. This can be found under the “Get Involved > Current Positions” tab on REQUIRED PERSONAL INFORMATION: A PPLICATION I NSTRUCTIONS ABOUT US APPLICATION QUESTIONS Name: QueensU Phone Number:
Question 1: What skills and experiences do you have that would make you a valuable member of the CREO Solutions team? S KILLS AND E XPERIENCES ABOUT US APPLICATION QUESTIONS
Question 2: How do you envision your role on CREO fitting in with your future career aspirations? C AREER A SPIRATIONS ABOUT US APPLICATION QUESTIONS
Question 3: Name a business that could be a potential CREO client. Identify a business problem that they are facing and provide a recommendation. C LIENT A CQUISITION ABOUT US APPLICATION QUESTIONS
Question 4: You can use this slide to do anything creative. Go. C REATIVITY ABOUT US APPLICATION QUESTIONS
Applications and resumes must be submitted by September 21, 2015 at 11:59PM Please feel free to any questions regarding your application to Ellen Xue Mehwish Panjwani and Timothy Wang We look forward to reading your applications. Q UESTIONS ABOUT US APPLICATION QUESTIONS