Foreclosure to Homelessness Presented at Foreclosures in Wisconsin: Responses and Resources for Living Beyond the Bubble M William Sermons Director, HRI
Report released in June, 2009
Current Snapshot on Homelessness Approximately 670,000 homeless at point in time; 1,600,000 use shelter system each year. 20% meet chronic homeless definition 37% persons in families – often mother with 1-2 children Decreases in overall (10%), chronic (28%), and family(18%) from 05’ – 07’. No change in any subpopulations 07’ – 08’. Increase in 08’ in people coming from housing (rented/owned or with family or friends) into shelter system.
Summary of Methodology 20-question Survey of 178 agencies that serve homeless people. All four Census regions represented: 21% from Midwest Homeless shelters, legal services, health care, transitional/permanent housing, food pantry, etc.
Core Question Of all clients you’ve served who have become homeless during the last 12 months, what percentage (must add up to 100)… Were evicted after a landlord’s property went into foreclosure: ______% Were homeowners who lost the homes they were living in: ______% Were homeless for reasons that did not involve foreclosure: ______%
Major Findings 79% of providers reported at lease some clients were homeless due to foreclosure. Overall median response: 10%. Among housing (shelter/transitional/permanent) providers: 5%. 5:1 ratio of renters to owners. “With family or friends” and emergency shelter most common post-foreclosure living situations. Most common services being provided in communities: counseling to prevent foreclosure, free or pro-bono legal assistance, and cash assistance.
Most Common Reasons for Homelessness Job loss Drug/alcohol problems Asked to leave by family/friends Family/domestic violence Incarceration
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