WARM UP Bring your notebook, pencil, and agenda to your desk Grab the weekly warm up from the front table Complete Thursday’s warm up now YOU ARE QUIET, WORKING WHEN THE BELL RINGS
Agenda Today! Beacon Assessment for Science This will assess your knowledge of the science concepts covered so far this year The test is 35 questions You will record your answers on a bubble sheet and bring your work to me when completed Afterwards you will work independently on a chromebook for today’s lesson
Chromebooks today after testing You will log in and go to the teacher wiki page 1 st : select the powerpoint for December 3
Independent Work You will work on a chromebook during the remaining time in class today to take notes and read information related to the Ozone Layer, UV radiation and skin cancer
Please label the next available page in your notebook THE OZONE LAYER What is it? Where is it? Why is it important to life on Earth? How are we as humans affecting it?
Write these notes in your notebook n The ozone layer is a layer of gas consisting of O 3 molecules, n The ozone layer is a protective layer of gas molecules located within the stratosphere. n It blocks harmful UV radiation
Read about Ozone n Ozone is a molecule consisting of oxygen atoms. n Ozone gas can be created or destroyed by the sun’s UltraViolet rays as shown in the picture to the right.
Read: Where is the ozone layer? n Ozone gas also exists in the troposphere and at ground level, but most is located within the stratospheric layer shown to the right.
Read: Why is it important to life on Earth? n On a daily basis, the sun radiates its energy toward Earth. One form of this energy is Ultraviolet radiation, also known as UV rays. n UV rays are relatively high energy waves that provide Earth with the warmth it needs to support life as we know it.
Read: Ultra-Violet Radiation n UV rays penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere at 3 slightly different wavelengths called UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C rays.
Read: So, why is the ozone layer important to life on Earth? n The stratospheric ozone layer completely stops the penetration of UV-C rays and eliminates most of the UV-B rays. n Therefore, the ozone layer protects life on Earth from the harmful effects of solar radiation on a daily basis.
So what might life be like without the ozone layer?
So what about the hole in the ozone layer? Compare 1979 vs October 1979October 2007
The Ozone Hole n Since the 1970’s the ozone hole has been increasing in size over the Antarctic. n For the first time, in September of 2000, the ozone hole became so large it actually left populated areas of southern Chile fully exposed to the effects of the Sun’s UV rays.
Chile’s Ozone Hole(S. Hemisphere)
Read: How does ozone depletion affect global warming and ultimately climate change? n As ozone levels in the stratosphere are depleted, more solar radiation penetrates the Earth’s atmosphere. n This affect results in an increase in solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface adding to an increase in surface temperature. n In turn, global warming actually results in a warming of the troposphere, but a cooling of the stratosphere, hindering the ozone layer’s natural chemistry for repairs.
Article on Ultraviolet Rays and Skin Cancer n On your next available page please label the page Ultraviolet Rays and Skin Cancer Article n You will access 2 resources on the wiki page: n 1 The Article on Skin Cancer n 2. Directions and questions for the article n You must answer the questions in your notebook