News and Miscellaneous UPO Jan Didier Contardo, Jeff Spalding 1 UPO Jan Workshop on Upgrade simulations in 2013 (Jan. 17/18) -ESP in 2013
UPO Jan Towards phase 2 TP: preparatory work in 2013 o Prepare internal document on CMS phase 2 concept focus for June 2013 Upgrade DESY 1)Longevity and long term performance of current detectors 2)Physics goals, and detector requirements In conjunction with ESPG and Snowmass 3)Detector concepts and preliminary performance studies 4)Targeted R&D program 5)Cost scale for Phase 2 o CMS discusses the document ~summer 2013 (ahead of ECFA workshop in Sep.) o Define phase 2 scope by end 2013 o Write Technical Proposal supported by detector performance and physics simulations ( in Physics TDR?) in 2014 Slide from CMS Week o Interim reports from the two WGs – due this month o Stand-alone documents which will become appendices of a covering note on Phase 1 detector longevity – due February -Electronics and systems (Magnus to lead a group) -Tracker (a simple note now on longevity vs temp to be updated by end of LS1) -HCAL (summary of what’s known and plans) -ECAL (summary of studies to date and projection) -Muon (based on (work for the) the Strategy Document) How to Proceed? First steps:
Proposal for Jan. 17/18 workshop UPO Jan Goals of the workshop Prepare an overall plan for upgrade simulation studies in 2013 to address 1)Longevity and long term performance of current detectors 2)Physics goals, and detector requirements In conjunction with ESPG and Snowmass 3)Detector concepts and preliminary performance studies o Define the requirements and performance studies needed : -For detector optimization -For physics studies o Define the software developments needed -Geometries -Local Reconstruction -Object reconstruction o Define the samples needed (from central production) o Coordinate the release software developments and MC productions -Establish timeline for the software developments and performance studies -Define priorities
Proposal for Jan. 17/18 workshop UPO Jan Goal of the workshop: Develop plan for upgrade simulation studies in 2013 (Note key dates in 2013: Upgrade Week DESY June 3, ECFA/Atlas/CMS Workshop September 4 (TBC)) o Studies with Phase 1 detector operating at phase 2 pile-up, including detector aging Establish reference for comparison with phase 2 detector - assess performance limitations (especially for non upgraded detectors) - tune high pile-up object reconstruction and physics analyses… What is missing to produce MC samples o Studies with Phase 1 detector and "extended performance module(s)" To establish detector/trigger requirements (or priorities) and physics performance (parametric endcap/forward calorimetry, improved muon(?), timing in the forward region, and tracking beyond current eta range, trigger requirements…) What are the specific goals and the software development efforts involved Studies by May to be reported and summarized in June Upgrade Week, with the goal of including performance criteria for Phase 2 in the summer document for CMS o Studies with Phase 2 detector and new trigger concept Establish detector and physics performance at HL-LHC Plan a common release with first implementation of new detector concept and trigger for first full/fast simulation studies – present progress in June Upgrade Week. Results for September ECFA workshop
Proposal for Jan. 17/18 workshop agenda UPO Jan Thursday 17 Session 1: Opening (9: :00) conveners Didier/Jeff o Introduction (UC/PC) -Upgrade goals and schedule for 2013 o HL-LHC beam conditions -Assumptions for luminosity (peak, leveled, integrated), beam spot and pile-up density o Goals and schedule for physics studies in 2013 o Overview of detector concepts and context for upgrade simulation studies o Release and Production plan (Offline/PPD/Computing/Simulation) -Status of current release(s) (phase 1 detectors) -Issues for high pile-up simulations and MC production - fullsim vs fastsim... -Proposal for new release(s) and schedule -Release validation Session 2: Projects and Working Groups simulation plans for 2013 (14:00 – 18:00) conveners Lucia/Liz Address the plans for the three areas of simulation studies mentioned in previous slide, focusing on the relevant one(s) for each project and wg o ECAL - HCAL - Muons - Tracker - Forward Detector - Trigger -Status and plans (schedule/steps) for CMSSW software developments of phase 2 detector and trigger implementation in full/fast simulation (covering: detector aging, new geometry, local reconstruction, trigger primitives, L1 trigger and HLT emulation...) -Performance studies and specific MC samples associated (full/fast sim, digi/reco...) -Need for fluence/irradiation simulations...
Proposal for Jan. 17/18 workshop agenda UPO Jan Friday 18 Session 3: Data reconstruction (9:00 – 10:45) conveners Patrizia/Luca Addressing status and plans for physics object reconstruction at high pile-up with phase 1 and phase 2 detectors, specific MC sample need. o Implementation of HCAL depth segmentation in reconstruction (HCAL) o Development of track reconstruction at high pile-up for phase 1 and phase 2 detectors (TK POG) o Development of GED at high pile-up for phase 1 and phase 2 detectors (tbd) Session 4: Physics plans (11:15 – 13:00) convener Chris Addressing goals, status and plans to develop software tools and MC physics benchmark samples needed (specific or common) in three main areas : o Studies with Phase 1 detector operating at phase 2 pile-up, including detector aging o Studies with Phase 1 detector with "expended performance module" o Study with Phase 2 detector and new trigger concept Session 5: Closing session (14:00 – 16:00) conveners Didier/Jeff o Wrap-up of workshop and general discussion on next steps
ESP – discussion – plan to converge for 2013 UPO 2/2/12 7 WG conveners, Elec/Online coordinators, R&D coordinator, each responsible for estimating need and approving pledges