Seven Secrets to Spiritual Success Luke 5:1-11 Everyone Interested in Success Christians Interested in Success What Makes Us Different Is: Our Definition of Success Our Strategy To Be Successful Seven Secrets Revealed
Seven Secrets to Spiritual Success Depend On God Peter, Andrew, James & John Fished All Night Did all they knew to do, still came up empty Jeremiah 10:23
Seven Secrets to Spiritual Success Trust In Jesus Why listen to Jesus? He was not a fisherman! What He said did not make sense! Yet, they obeyed Received great reward Proverbs 3:5-7
Seven Secrets to Spiritual Success Be Willing To Go Jesus told them to go into deep water This required some risk Great rewards require risk Hebrews 11:6-8
Seven Secrets to Spiritual Success Persevere They were discouraged They were tired They were willing to do their part Reward often takes time and patience Galatians 6:9
Seven Secrets to Spiritual Success Teamwork They all had to work together Many task require teamwork Football, Baseball, Soccer Bible School, Worship, Spreading Gospel Ephesians 4:11-16
Seven Secrets to Spiritual Success God Gives Their catch was more than they expected God, as our Father, loves to give Matthew 7:9-11 Ephesians 3:20
Seven Secrets to Spiritual Success Be Humble Peter did not take credit Peter humbled himself Gave credit and glory to Jesus Romans 12:3
Seven Secrets to Spiritual Success Depend On God Trust In Jesus Be Willing To Go Preserve Teamwork God Gives Be Humble
Are You Ready For Success?
By Bob Gard – Hollister, Missouri church of Christ www By Bob Gard – Hollister, Missouri church of Christ Adapted from lesson by Phil Sanders, Concord Road church of Christ, Brentwood, TN. July 2, 2006 am