Who were the explorers and what did they find? UNIT 2, LESSON 2 By: Mr. Casey
Cartographer (Noun) A person who makes maps or charts
Colony (Noun) an area or place that is ruled by a distant country
Reform (VERB) TO CHANGE Martin Luther
Convert (VERB) To change someone’s or one’s own beliefs
Emperor (NOUN) the ruler of an empire Moctezuma Ruler of the Aztec Empire
Circumnavigate (NOUN) The act of sailing around something Magellan
SPANISH POWER The Cause & Effect of Spain’s power
Ferdinand and Isabella Marry, joining two kingdoms
SPANISH INQUISITION (1478) “You aren’t catholic? Get out or convert!”
Columbus Finds the New World Columbus starts a wave of exploration
The VASCO EFFECT Vasco de Gama finds a new route to Asia (1497). The portuguese focus efforts and resources on asia
BALBOA’S GOLD Vasco Nunez de balboa explores the area around modern day panama and discovers the pacific ocean and gold then he sends 30,000 pieces of gold to the king of spain which creates a gold rush riches
CHARLES I Charles I comes to power (1516) and eventually creates a vast empire He becomes Charles V, holy roman emperor and wants to spread catholicism
CHARLES I Spain increases its power and empire
CORTES & The Aztecs aztec empire is huge (200,000 soldiers) cortes only has 500 men, 16 horses, and 11 ships Aztec people believe in the prophecy of Quetzalcoatl Moctezuma sends gold plates and tells him not to come cortes gathers tribes that oppose the aztecs to help him with the help of dona marina
CORTES & The Aztecs Cortes goes directly to Tenochtitlan Many other tribes see Cortes as a liberator It takes him two years and reinforcements but he defeats the aztecs in 1521 His army, disease, guns, and horses help him defeat the aztecs They take control of the aztec lands and replace tenochtitlan with mexico city
SPANISH POWER Portuguese focus on routes to africa and the new world (Vasco de gama 1498) Martin Luther and the protestant reformation create a rift between the Catholic church and other religions (1517) The New World holds great riches (Gold, land, crops) Spanish not only want to get rich, but now they want to spread catholicism across the world, Especially this new World (Reconquista) Spanish Inquisition - (1478) Not catholic? “Get Out!”