LAB! Language Acceleration Brainiacs! After-school Tutoring
Language Acceleration Brainiacs! TEACHER NOTES MATERIALS NEEDED FOR TODAY- Day 1 -Snacks -Cardstock paper for name tents (Have student put in binder after each session and then take out for each session.) -Binder and binder contents (loose leaf paper, dividers, and pencil pouch with pencil and pen) -Playing cards
LAB! Language Acceleration Brainiacs! TEACHER NOTES ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY-Day 1 1.Take roll, review schedule and pass out snacks 2.Make name tents (teacher models), meet your partner, and each student introduces self 3.Put binder together according to your preference (Suggestion: organize for tutor reflection and three upcoming modules) 1.Introduce first ‘Essential Question’ to begin note-taking 2.Introduce program goals and expectations followed by note-taking 6. Team-building Activity introduced with video
LAB! Language Acceleration Brainiacs! TEACHER NOTES PLEASE NOTE: For each instructional slide that follows see support teacher notes in note area below slide (visible when not in presentation mode).
OUR SCHEDULE Welcome Snacks Tutoring LAB! Time
Name tent Write your name Draw your favorite subject Draw one thing you are good at Draw your favorite food
Introductions: Meet your teacher Meet your partner Share information from your name tent with your partner Introduce your partner to the class using your public voice
Get Organized! Binder Content 1.Dividers 2.Notebook Paper 3.Pencil Pocket with supplies
Name______ Date_______ Essential Question: What will we learn today?
Complete Homework in Tutor Groups! Get Organized! Improve Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening through Science! What is your goal in this class? Think About It! Write About It! Tell About It!
Name______ Date_______ Essential Question: What will we learn today? What is my goal for this class? My goal for this class is to... improve my skills in...
Pair up with another student and read your goal to each other... My goal for this class is to ____. Thank your partner...
EXPECTATIONS BE HERE! BE PREPARED! BE INVOLVED! BE COOPERATIVE! What is your expectation for this class? Think About It! Write About It! Tell About It!
Name______ Date_______ Essential Question: What will we learn today? What is my goal for this class? My goal for this class it to.... What is your expectation for this class? One expectation I have for this class is to... learn/read/ write/talk about...
Pair up with another student you have not spoken to yet and read your expectations to each other... One expectation I have for this class is to ___________________________.
Card Stacking
Name______ Date_______ Essential Question: What will we learn today? What is my goal for this class? My goal for this class is to... What is your expectation for this class? One expectation I have for this class is to... Why does Bryan Berg stack cards? Bryan Berg stacks cards because...
Pair up with another student you have not spoken to yet and read your answer to each other... Bryan Berg stacks cards because ___________________________.
Card Stacking Now it is your turn: In small groups, build the tallest structure that can stand for 10 seconds with the cards you have
Name______ Date_______ Essential Question: What will we learn today? What is my goal for this class? My goal for this class is to... What is your expectation for this class? One expectation I have for this class is to … Why does Bryan Berg stack cards? Bryan Berg stacks cards.because... ANSWER TO ESSENTIAL QUESTION: (What did we learn from working together and building our card structure? When did we struggle? What was successful?)
Pair up! Share! While working with my peers, I learned ___________________________. We struggled when ______. We were successful when _________.
Thank your partners Listen for direction from your teacher on how to clean up at the end of the day Something to think about for next time: How do we work together to create a solution to a problem or question?
Day Two: “Critical Load”
LAB! Language Acceleration Brainiacs! TEACHER NOTES MATERIALS NEEDED FOR TODAY- Day 2 -Snacks -Playing cards -Tape -Objects to add weight to test structure (ex. coins, marbles) -Container to hold objects
LAB! Language Acceleration Brainiacs! TEACHER NOTES ACTIVITIES FOR TODAY-Day 2* 1.Welcome, take roll and pass out snacks 2.Tutoring session: organization and homework 3.Begin “Critical Load” lesson 4.Terminology overview with videos ●Welcome, roll, snacks, tutoring = ~30 minutes ●LAB Time: ELD/STEM experience = ~60 minutes
Tutor Session Binder Check Tutorial Question Name______ Learning Log Date: ______ Today, I would like help with...
Tutor Session Reflection Name______ Learning Log Date: ______ Today, I would like help with… I learned...
Pair up! Share! Today, I learned ___________________________.
CRITICAL LOAD Lesson Lesson Goals: (Students Echo Read below) We will learn about critical load engineering using teamwork to solve problems LANGUAGE OBJECTIVES: Students will describe the group process using past tense verbs Students will explain benefits of collaboration using complete sentences
What is critical load? Critical load is the maximum weight a structure can hold.
Name______ Date _______ ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is working collaboratively important? critical maximum critical crítico adjective serious Critical details are important for us to understand if something is true. not sure I think I understand I can accurately use this word Work with a partner to write a sentence using the word critical accurately Be prepared to share with the class
Name______ Date _______ ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is working collaboratively important? critical maximum máximo adjective the most The maximum number of points on the test is 100. not sure I think I understand I can accurately use this word Work with a partner to write a sentence using the word maximum accurately. Be prepared to share with the class.
Turn and talk with a partner: Think about the video you just watched. What is critical load? Explain to your partner
What is engineering? Engineering is the work of designing and building structures to solve problems
Name______ Date _______ ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is working collaboratively important? critical maximum What is Engineering? Turn and talk with a partner: Think about the video you just watched. What is engineering? Write the definition on your notes
What is teamwork ? Actions by a group to accomplish a task (working together, working collaboratively).
TEACHER SLIDE: CRITICAL LOAD* Materials for Card Stacking: Each team: twelve unused playing cards (4 cards per person) one roll of scotch tape Testing materials: plastic container to hold objects objects to build weight (coins, marbles, sand) ●See notes on this slide for activity procedure (also in Haiku) ●Student work page/note on Haiku AEL and Student Support > LAB (delivered to sites)
CRITICAL LOAD - TEAMWORK TASK- With your team, use your materials to create a structure that will hold the most weight. (A structure is something built such as a building or a bridge) (cognate: estructura)
Plan out a structure, and build a prototype for testing (10-15 minutes) (a prototype is a model)
Place weights on each team's prototype, increasing the weight until the structure fails. (fails means unsuccessful, does not work) (cognate: prototipo)
Chart the maximum* load each prototype successfully held just before it failed). (maximum is the most*) Group NumberMaximum Load
CRITICAL LOAD -TEAMS DISCUSS What was your vision/plan for your design? Explain: Why do you think your design did well or failed? How would you adjust the design if you could do it again?
CRITICAL LOAD -TEAMS PRESENT What was your vision/plan for your design? Explain: Why do you think your design did well or failed? How would you adjust the design if you could do it again?
Name______ Date _______ ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why is working collaboratively important? critical maximum What is Engineering? ANSWER TO ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Turn and talk with a partner Discuss Essential Question Write