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General Consideration Number one killer in the United States and world wide.
Coronary Heart Disease “Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart. CHD is also called coronary artery disease.” From the Medical Encyclopedia
What happens? 1. Your body deposits excess fatty material in your coronary artery 2. The fatty deposits start to block the blood stream off, making it harder for the heart to pump blood around your body (respiration) Diagram of unblocked artery Diagram of artery blocked by fatty deposits
3. The heart has to work extra hard to pump blood around the body 4. Your cells around the body will suffer due to lack of oxygen
Blockage of the Coronary Arteries by plaque
Causes CHD starts by the build up of fatty deposits in the Coronary Artery: Heredity High cholesterol* watch videowatch video Tobacco abuse Obesity High blood pressure Diabetes Lack of regular exercise High-fat diet Emotional stress Type A personality (impatient, aggressive, competitive) *Cholesterol, fatty material, and calcium build up in the arteries.
Risk factors for Heart Diseases Smoking High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Obesity Diabetes
Lifestyle Risk Factors Lack of Exercise Unhealthy diet Stress Type A Personality “Type A” Personality = aggressive, impatient, competitive
Symptoms The reduction in oxygen delivery to the heart can create chest pain, also called angina*. Shortness of breath on use** Jaw pain, back pain, or arm pain, Especially on left side, either during Use** or at rest Tiredness (fatigue) * Angina: shortness of breath and chest pain when exercising **Use: exertion on exercise
Other Symptoms Palpitations (a feeling of rapid or very strong heart beats in your chest) Dizziness, light-headedness, or fainting Weakness on use* or at rest Irregular heartbeat Fluid retention or puffiness (oedema) Bluish-tinged fingernails or lips (cyanosis) *Use: exertion on exercise
Women, seniors and people with diabetes Women, seniors or people who have diabetes have symptoms of malaise or fatigue. They do not experience discomfort.
Use of electrocardiogram A healthy heart is able to conduct electricity due to the strong blood supply. However, people with heart diseases have a weak blood supply so electricity is conducted poorly. The ECG or EKG (Electrocardiogram) measures the electrical activity of the heart.
Stress test Additional to the electrocardiogram the doctor may use the stress test to detect heart diseases.
Echocardiography Another way is echocardiography. It generates sound waves to generate images of the heart and is able to find any blockages…
Treatment Treatment is different for everyone
Treatments Medication (Pills) such as nitroglycerin, statins, calcium channel blockers…
Prevention Exercise: Keep your heart strong and use up excess fat
Prevention Diet: Intakes of large of fatty or salty products can build up fatty deposits in the coronary artery increasing the likelihood of getting CHD
Smoking: Smokers are 50 times more likely to die of CHD Drinking: High alcohol intakes can increase your risk of CHD
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
Which one is the electrocardiogram? A B
Women, seniors and people with diabetes experience… A B Malaise or fatigue. Back problems, Head aches,
Which one is angina? A B
Name 4 things you can do to try to prevent CHD Don't smoke, don't drink too much alcohol, Exercise and eat a balanced diet
What are the fatty deposits in the Coronary artery called? Atheroma
From what age can you start to build up fatty deposits in your Coronary Artery? 2 years old
Sources disease/Pages/Causes.aspx?url=Pages/What-is-it.aspx ealthy_Living_Credit/artery%20and%20vein.png tnG=Search+Images ry%20Heart%20Disease%20Overview