Run Ottawa 2015 Strategic Plan Fall 2015
Mission (Current) NCM Inc. (operating as “Run Ottawa”) is dedicated to promoting the sport of running and enhancing the health and well being of our community through organizing distinctive world class and local races, and managing an active, membership based running club Do we add ‘engaged’
Vision (Current) More people running, more often. a)Ottawa Race Weekend is the best running experience in Canada b)The Run Ottawa Club is a vibrant and thriving running club. c)Run Ottawa offers varied and affordable events for all seasons. d)Run Ottawa promotes, supports and develops the sport of running. e)Run Ottawa has a dynamic culture of empowered employees and respectful collaboration among employees and volunteers.
Values (Current) We value our independence. This means that we must conduct our business in a financially prudent manner, to ensure the long-term viability of our organization. We value and respect the people that are part of our broader team and our community. This includes Run Ottawa employees and Board members, our volunteers, club members, participants in our events and representatives of our other stakeholders. We recognize that every voice matters: embracing the expertise, observations and opinions of those in our community is the key to making our organization, club and events the best they can be. We value the passion that members of the running community bring to their efforts, from the elite-level athletes aiming to excel in competitions; to youth seeking to develop their running ability; to recreational runners, adult beginners and those with special needs aiming to accomplish their personal goals. We bring the same passion to all that we do and are proud to support all runners in their efforts to achieve their goals. We strive to do our best and to be the best. We value our position as a trusted organization that can be counted upon to deliver high-quality services. We value originality, innovation and creativity as tools to deliver these services.
Strategic Focus Areas Ottawa Race Weekend Tier 1 Events Organization Membership SUSTAIN GROW REBOOT EVOLVE
Strategic Goal 1 Sustain Ottawa Race Weekend The Ottawa Race Weekend is our Bread and Butter. In a market where there are a gluttony of events and increasing options we need to protect our primary asset and maintain its popularity Key Objectives Always look to improve the experience or give runners more Be a leader in the Canadian Industry Don’t be ‘Canadian’ in our expectations Sustain Registration Numbers
Strategic Goal 2 Develop Growth Area Events Growth in ORW limited due to logistics and demographics Revenue growth and diversification to build the organization needs to come from other events Develop and grow Tier 1 events to be an aggregate 12-15K runners Focus on consistent quality events true to the sport with tangible runners value
Strategic Goal 3 Define and Develop Membership Membership has it’s privileges – Define value / enhance value – A reboot of the program needs to happen Recognize the different type of members and look to build values for each type – Target shift from males 50+ to women Personnel with ownership
Strategic Goal 4 Run Ottawa Organizational Development Run Ottawa is heavily volunteer driven creating continuity risk in some areas – continue to ensure documentation in these areas Continue to grow the staff via increased overall revenues – leverage part time until finances can justify permanent positions Consider enhanced, visible and accessible office space suitable for running and activities in the core of the City
Strategic planning Strategic planning is an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy. Strategy has many definitions, but generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means(resources). The senior leadership of an organization is generally tasked with determining strategy. Strategy can be planned (intended) or can be observed as a pattern of activity (emergent) as the organization adapts to its environment or competes.
2015 Strategic Planning Process NCM Inc Confidential May 2012 Meeting #1 Mission Values Review Environment Scans Review SWOTs Internal / External Environment Meeting #2 Vision ( ) Strategic Goals SWOT Matrices Meeting #3 Review and Reassess outputs from Meeting #2
Internal Analysis Present Situation Present Situation – 4 staff, need for growth Leverage part time contributors Organizationally we have improved structure (see next page). Over time we will need to adjust Should add more full time staff as required (and as we can afford) but also recognize part time staff for the flexibility this brings to both sides Historical stress between staff and board due to growing from a hands on board (ORW) to a merged NCRA & ORW board with ideally limited hands on involvement. We need to recognize professionalism yet leverage board skills and expertise effectively and with respect Still very dependent on volunteer power for key roles; as opportunities present themselves look to professionalize
Run Ottawa Organization BOARD President & RD (John Halvorsen) President & RD (John Halvorsen) Race Director & Event Operations (Joe DuVall) Race Director & Event Operations (Joe DuVall) Media and Marketing Director (Susan Marsh) Media and Marketing Director (Susan Marsh) Event & Membership Director (Al Macartney) Event & Membership Director (Al Macartney) RD events Contractors & Suppliers Volunteer Race Committees Public Agencies & Permits Marketing & PR mgmt Agency mgmt VIP Services Media relations Web & Social media Special Events Volunteers Members / Services / Communications Sponsors & Partners Charities/Charity Program Membership & Events Coordinator (TBD) Membership & Events Coordinator (TBD) Admin (TBD) Admin (TBD) EXPO Cord [contract] (Jim Robinson) EXPO Cord [contract] (Jim Robinson) Race Coordinator Assistant [contract] Dave Morrow Race Coordinator Assistant [contract] Dave Morrow Expo Planning Vendor booking Expo Suppliers ORW and ARMY RUN Halogen Fuse Contractors
Internal Analysis Other Factors Finances - currently strong but need to continue to watch bottom line Culture – strong RC, board improved lots but would like to ensure we stay engaged Skills development - need to maintain professional skills through visiting events and clubs, specialized training (marketing, tourism, etc.) Office Space and Storage – always in progress. Current location is good but central much more favorable to a club presence Governance & management (tools) – continue to improved documentation of processes, procedures etc
External Analysis Present Situation These are EXTERNAL issues that we cannot control, only influence or understand and therefore manage around (use or avoid). This can be the physical, demographic, economic, political, legal, technological, cultural and competitive environment. – The uncertainty of the current economy may translate into lesser sales to customers (registered runners, members or sponsors [latter being more significant]) – Sponsorship $$ primarily spent in Canada’s business hubs (TO, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary even Quebec City and Edmonton before Ottawa). – There is interest in sport, fitness and health (maintenance of life quality & youth obesity) and we should embrace those who seek to better themselves This is an opportunity to position ourselves – …however most races are experiencing a decline in runners and harsh winters may have contributed (but it also happened in Vancouver). Maybe new events are talking a piece – …be aware of our situational surroundings
External Analysis Customers - Sponsors Sponsors may be interested in: Direct sales - to the runner/athlete. Examples are running stores, shoe companies and sports watches. Corporate good will - supporting us to get goodwill in the community and support a charitable cause, but do not expect to sell anything to the participants. A perfect example would be Alcatel but also Scotiabank. Consumer goods – see all events as general mass public. Runners are just a small sub-segment of their market and they are more interested in being part of our event to get access to our Joe- Blow customers. Example - Kraft Other factors: 1)We are in a government town. There are VERY few corporate HQ here and even they see Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, etc as more important markets to activate. This makes the goodwill segment limited. We do however need to recognize the power of lobbyist and what they may use the event for – hence government relations programs are valuable 2)Most corporations see running events as charitable events and not marketing activation opportunities, at least not in Ottawa (more so in TO, Montreal etc) In all sponsorships the key is to understand what the sponsor is trying to achieve with their investment and then over deliver
External Analysis Competition Direct – STWM, Vancouver, NY, Chicago, Montreal Local – Army, Sporting Life, RR events, Run911 etc Other “Running” Events – Mudders, Colour, Trail Other Member Groups offering running programs – RR, MEC, Ottawa Running Club, Lions Charitable Events – CN Cycle, Rideau Lakes, Run for Cure Events, Sports, Organizations looking for sponsors & Public support (Blues Fest, Charity, Torjan One) COMPETING FOR Runners / Sponsors Runner Members / Sponsors Charity Runners, Sponsors and public partners Sponsors / Public Partners COMPETING FOR Runners / Sponsors Runner Members / Sponsors Charity Runners, Sponsors and public partners Sponsors / Public Partners Need to be aware of ‘how’ we are competing
SWOT TORW StrengthWeaknesses OpportunityThreats - Highly Organized - Numbers / - Biggest event in Can - Respected - Makes $$ - In Ottawa (participant) - Marquee event (economic impact) -Team (RC, Staff, Board, volunteers) -High volunteer support - In Ottawa (sponsors, dependant on tourists) - Limited infrastructure (roads, police, space, hotels) - Volunteer dependent (under-staffed) - LRT - Sponsors -More social media -Broadcast -IAAF Gold - LRT - new Spring events in other cities (QC) -over reliance of volunteers -General decline in participation
SWOT Other Running Events StrengthWeaknesses OpportunityThreats - reputation - long history/longevity - loyal core customer base - Army Run revenue - promotion outside of loyal customer base - size of races - branding of events - volunteer driven - proliferation of other events - revenue generation - profile building - grow one of the events into a marquee event ($$ making) - strengthening our brand & reputation - volunteer grooming - grow sponsorship base - developing localized races - develop youth running - develop women’s only event - build more philanthropic base from events - grow partnerships - Army Run revenue - Army Run reputation (with lack of ownership) - proliferation of other events => running & non-running
SWOT Membership StrengthWeaknesses OpportunityThreats - Core base of members - governance tied to membership which breeds accountability - not for profit - business of providing services for runners - size -Engagement -Members events - lack of product definition - two way communication - membership model (revenue generator or not?) - demographics of club membership - perception - services we can provide - marketing for club -optimizing membership for volunteers -A new definition -Free farm run model - existing naturally evolved running groups - governance tied to membership - is there a need?
External Analysis Customers - Runners Traditional/hard core ‘old school’ Casual/new/occasional ‘looking for experience’ Run/walk Elite Elite services Charity Participate Fundraise walk Women Where do current vs future members fit
The Members Program RACE ENTRY DISCOUNTS - $5 off per event SOCIAL TRAINING GROUPS – Tuesday/Sunday….no longer active MONTHLY 5K TIME TRIALS – free far runs / open to all EQUIPMENT DISCOUNTS – are they actually given? Bushtukah Great Outdoor Gear – 10% Sports4 – 10% The New Balance Store Barrhaven Source for Sports– 15% BUS TRIPS TO BIG RACES – open to everyone ACCESS TO CLUB APPAREL – rear & inconsistent occurrence. Future Today Race and Event Discounts – maintain program and expand to all events (define how amount is determined) More engaged and social activity Re establish members only runs (prediction runs, pub runs, training runs) Awards Consider how member only benefits can be present at open events Improve members only communications and promotions of members activities Cement store discounts Establish Run Ottawa Apparel Supported& Driven by staff
Volunteer Recognition Membership Participation Award Prizes…. Volunteer Honorariums – ORW/CAR Race Committee $500 – 1500 per person per event Organization Honorariums – ORW/CAR Schools, clubs, charities $ per org per event Individual Gifts Water bottle, hat, shirt, jackets etc
SWOT Organization StrengthWeaknesses OpportunityThreats - event management & execution - experience of management and veteran board members - professionalism & dedication of key individuals - agility -Reputation -Connected to public partners & suppliers -staffing (too few resources) -cohesiveness with staff/board/RC & ROClub - club integration - lack of brand clarity (improved) -documented internal governance issues -Office location -staffing structure & growth of staff -New location - focusing staff/ professional expertise - club structure -Branding -Board / member involvement - departure/loss of key people - lack of documentation
Overall Event Strategy Platinum Ottawa Race Weekend Revenue generator Reputation World Class Community All the bells and whistles Tier 1 Richmond Canada Day Emilie’s Run Cookie Run 5/15 Farm Run (Girls Run) Revenue & Growth events Honor The Sport Develops sport Quality Events with many of the below qualities - Timing/results - Medals - Shirts - Online reg - Certified course Tier 2 Beaver Chase Trail Run J.Howe Running accessible to everyone Members Social Opportunity Social Activity Very low cost to join Basic Services Draw Prizing Self timed No results Tier 3 Sat Farm Run BIA Runs City Hall Runs Members Run Conference Runs Building partnerships Accessible Community Runs Members Social Opportunity Competition Reducer Free Self Timed (if timed) Possible draw/give away prizing Fun / low key Level Events Purpose Characteristics
Overall Event Strategy Price / Service – LowHigh Fun / No Rules Serious / IAAF Rules ORW Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
2015 Goals No.Strategic Goal Target Date Action Leader ActionsStatus 1 Achieve one IAAF Gold Event 2017John Maintain Gold status for 10K. Remove remaining obstacles to Gold status for Marathon We were awarded Gold for the 10K for We have been awarded Silver for the Marathon for Ask for feedback and use as a basis for improvement ORW 2015 JohnFine-tune post-run participant survey (ORW 2015) – e.g., need likelihood to recommend; can drop economic survey. In the plans for ORW Will continue economic survey per festival grant requirements. a) Ottawa Race Weekend is the best running experience in Canada
2015 Goals No.Strategic Goal Target Date Action Leader ActionsStatus 1 Increase membership among under-40’s demographic: target 50% of new members 2015John New staff hire. Plan and execute new programs to attract members in general, and in younger age- groups, in particular New hire delayed pending further discussion of roles with current staff. No action on new hire. Free runs potential source of members. Push to online registration so we can id and promote membership to participants 2Improve retention of current members: target 75% retention rate 2015JohnImprove documentation of benefits of membership (e.g., regarding our support of the running community). Plan and execute new programs to improve retention. New hire delayed (see above) The Run Ottawa Club is a vibrant and thriving running club
2015 Goals No.Strategic Goal Target Date Action Leader ActionsStatus 1 Conduct strategic review of all events End 2014 John Review all current events (build, maintain, cull) Identify opportunities for new events Develop strategic plan for Board review (to encompass all events) Progress has been made on strategic plans for the events. Beaver Chase / Trail runs have been combined and rationalized. Further discussion to come. 2Develop a new event designed to become a “marquee” event 2015JohnFrom strategic review, develop action plan for new event Strategic review in progress, no action on new event to date. Run Ottawa offers varied and affordable events for all seasons
2015 Goals No.Strategic Goal Target Date Action Leader ActionsStatus 1Develop a strategy as to how we can optimally “give back” to the running community End March 2015 Board, TBDDetermine decision-making process; initiate idea generation (May 2014) Criteria established for evaluating alternatives. Next decision: do we want to focus on a single focus area (e.g., elites, or youth) and, if so, what area? Fall 2014 – decided to explore a process that will enable us to obtain the views of our key stakeholders, to help guide us in formulating further plans. First step is to contact experts in polling stakeholders for guidance as well as timing and cost info. Run Ottawa promotes, supports and develops the sport of running
2015 Goals No.Strategic Goal Target Date Action Leader ActionsStatus 1 Develop and formalize HR Policies Complete HR handbook for employees Wendy / HR Committee Further develop the Handbook, with our specifics. Introduce Handbook to all full- time staff. Various members of the Board have contributed material to help flesh out the HR Handbook. John has provided the new staff job descriptions. Next step is for Wendy to combine those inputs in a new draft of the Handbook. 2 Evaluate volunteer recognition programs End 2014 John Review current programs with a view to ensuring retention of volunteers across all aspects of Run Ottawa operations. New participation award to be launched Jan Overlap with volunteer recognition to be rationalized. Feb 2015 – no further action to date. 3Further document Governance processes Ongoin g Ian / Governance Committee Develop further written policies regarding Board processes. Develop and execute a work plan for A list of potential policies has been developed, with priorities identified. Feb 2015 – the Governance Committee is to meet shortly to identify current priorities and develop a work plan. Run Ottawa has a dynamic culture of empowered employees and respectful collaboration among employees and volunteers