Welcome and Questions?
Agenda: Days 2-4 Targeted Interventions Continued Functional Behavior Assessment Check-In/Check-Out Universal Screening 2
Acknowledging Our BEST Behavior 1. Each person will receive BEST Bucks to acknowledge participants who meet the BEST expectations during the morning. Check the expectation that you observed and give the buck to your colleague. 2. When you receive a BEST Buck, write your Team name on the buck and place it in the center of your table. 3. As a Team, set a goal for the number of BEST Bucks your Team will acquire by lunchtime. Record the number on your team folder. 4. Teams that meet their goal will receive a Team acknowledgement. 5. If 80% of the teams reach their goal, all participants will receive a reward. Name: __________________________________________________________ Expectation met: ___ Be present ___ Engage with others ___ Support each other ___ Team solutions BEST BUCK
Targeted Training Status Check Have you: Reviewed your school data to identify student population eligible for targeted interventions? Answered BAT questions 1-3? Completed your PBIS Universal Action Plan for Sustainability? Completed your School Profile and answered BAT questions 4- 6? Finished your Targeted Behavior Purpose Statement?
Understanding Function of Behavior:
What is the function of this behavior?
Function Based Approach A process that focuses on changing environmental factors instead of fixing the person
Only Two Basic Functions Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement from Horner & Sugai at
Who needs to know about FBA? All staff should have a basic understanding of the function of behavior. Members of the targeted behavior student planning team (EST?) should be able to complete a Simple FBA. The school and/or Supervisory Union should be able to identify people to conduct a Full FBA or Functional Analysis. Online tutorial available at For a Few: (2-3 people) Attend two-day FBA/BIP training
Activity # 7: Next Steps for FBA Identify 2-3 people to be trained in FBA. Determine how/when to provide staff training in understanding function of behavior.
Examples: Targeted Interventions Based on Functions of Behavior Access Adult Attention/Support: – Check-In/Check-Out – Adult Mentoring Programs Access Peer Attention/Support: – Social Skills Instruction – Peer Mentoring – Self-Monitoring with Peer Support (function: academic task escape) Academic Skills Support – Organization/Homework planning support – Homework completion club – Tutoring
Characteristics of all Targeted Interventions Explicitly Teach Prompt Practice Provide Feedback Fade supports Communicate Monitor
These interventions still require involvement of ALL staff within the school building.
Activity # 8: Complete an inventory of formal and informal targeted systems of supports What are you currently implementing for targeted interventions?
Most Promising Targeted Intervention Check-in/Check-out or Teacher Check, Connect and Expect
Check-In/Check-Out or Teacher Check Connect and Expect Daily positive adult contact Daily progress report provides increased attention to behavioral goals Collaborative team-based process Home-school partnership Must have system in place for referral, behavior monitoring, and coordination.
Check-In/Check Out Implementation Manual Crone, Horner, & Hawken (2004). Responding to Problem Behavior in Schools: The Behavior Education Program. New York, NY: Guilford Press ( Also referred to as BEP We will call it “Check- In/Check/Out”
Check-In/Check-Out View DVD
A Day in the Life of TCCE or CICO.....
Assign Check-In/Check-out Coordinator (if CICO) – “Someone the students enjoy and trust” – Enthusiastic – Leads check-in and check-out with students – Enters data daily – Attends weekly targeted team meetings – Make sure to assign a back-up CICO Coordinator!
CICO or TCCE Planning Activities 1. Determine how CICO or TCCE will be implemented in your school 2. Develop DPR 3. Develop reinforcement system for students 4. Develop referral system 5. Create system for managing daily data 6. Plan for fading students off intervention 7. Develop staff training 8. Develop student and parent training
Activity # 9: Determine how CICO or TCCE will be implemented in your school What will CICO or TCCE look like in your school?
Daily Progress Report (DPR) At least 2 copies Portable Group vs. Individualized goals Age appropriate Prescribed time periods Clear, concise, understandable for students, families and staff.
Activity #10: Create your DPR Form What will your DPR form look like?
Develop reinforcement system for students on Check-in/Check-out or TCCE More frequent intervals of reinforcement. Small reinforcer from teacher for perfect periods Small reinforcer for successful check-out -Being there in time to make the bus -Having DPR -Met daily goal Positive adult contact is key Connect to School-wide PBIS reinforcement
Develop the Request for Assistance Process What, Where, How long? Determine maximum capacity System for prioritizing students Process for graduating from program
Activities # 11 and # 12 Activity # 11 Create Reinforcement System Activity # 12 Develop your Request for Assistance process and form
System for Managing Daily Data SWIS CICO Organized around same three areas as SWIS: 1.Data Entry 2.Reporting 3.Tool Reports organized to be used for two levels of problem-solving 1.Overall CICO Implementation 2.Individual Student Progress Monitoring
CICO-SWIS – View Reports
Graduating from the Program Show data to help student see progress Explain how to use rating card/how to judge own Behavior Shift to self-management when student is at 80% or better for at least 4 weeks, on a daily basis Begin fading self-management after approximately 3 weeks CELEBRATE Talk with parents about graduation, how they can continue to support their child
Activity #13: Managing the daily data and fading students from CICO/TCCE Complete these steps: Create your Data System: Using the guiding questions in the Workbook, determine the who, what, when, where and how of your data system for CICO. Review questions on BAT. Plan for fading students off of CICO: Determine criteria for fading students off of intervention and how this will occur.
Targeted Training Status Check Have you: Defined your TCCE/CICO System? Developed your referral process? Created your reinforcement system? Developed a system for managing data? Determined how to fade students from intervention?
Staff Training 1-2 hour in-service for ALL staff: Staff/Teacher’s role in the process Mission, culture, process, forms Referrals for program Program capacity, prioritizing, time to placement Rating students’ behavior (Completing the DPR) Giving effective feedback during and after class Graduating from the program Opportunities to practice, review forms Booster sessions
Teacher Feedback to Students Start each period on a good note Attend to appropriate behavior (especially if it is a target behavior) -Be specific -Developmental considerations Review and explain DPR ratings calmly and objectively -Be specific and brief (app. 30 seconds) Do not engage students in debates over ratings Use rational detachment Acknowledge concerns/feelings, then re-direct to next day’s/period’s/activity’s potential for more points
Example: Giving Feedback Joe feels he was graded unfairly. He is scowling, avoiding eye contact, and has his hands buried in his pockets. Teacher responses: “Joe, I can see you’re upset by the grade you received for this period. However, I gave you this grade because I saw you whispering to Tommy while I was teaching. I know you’ll do better next period, and I’m sure you’ll get all your points then.”
Teacher Feedback to Students Praise all points, even if your goal was not met Provide additional reward if student has a perfect period -SW incentive, early out, etc. Consider age, task demands Each period is a fresh start
Parent Introduction For all parents Positive Brief Collaborative Opportunity to refer
Student Body Introduction Check-In/Check-Out as an Opportunity Earn more rewards Earn respect of peers Emphasize Check-In/Check-Out achievements (with permission) Incorporate into school’s culture
Activity # 14: Develop Training
How will you identify students that need targeted interventions? Consider Universal Screening
Universally Accepted Types of Screening in School Readiness Academic Vision Hearing Dental Behavior Why not?
Universal Screening What is screening? Why would you want it? What does it look like? What’s next?
Where do we go from here… thoughts and questions.
VT Statewide Structure of Support LevelHow is support provided?Who is supported? State Technical Assistance (State TAs) Info Dissemination Funding TA/Coaching to SU’s Regional Meetings Trainings SU/District Coordinators & SU/District Leadership Teams Implementation Coaches (for some schools) Coaching to SU’s and Schools Trainings School Coordinator & Building Teams SU/District Coordinator Coaching to schools Visibility and political support Resources School Coordinator & Building Teams School Coordinator & School Leadership Teams Implementation of evidence-based practices Staff & Students
To Sustain PBIS you must: Use Data Communicate Share Information Participate
Next Steps & Important Dates State TA Contact SWIS Licensing for CICO and Online Training VTPBiS Training Calendar & Resources: Regional Coordinators Mtgs – – Reg. Meetings – December & March- STAY TUNED! – Data Days – December (plus webinars in March and May! - STAY TUNED! VTPBiS Newsletters 46
Questions? Contact your State TA Cassandra Townshend: Sherry Schoenberg: Ken Kramberg: Josh Souliere: Richard Boltax: Visit: Bethel Washington Ottauquechee Windsor Milton
THANK YOU! Safe Travels!