Presentation subhead CM223 Unit 7 Welcome to our Unit 7 Seminar: “USING EVIDENCE” Wednesday, November 2, 2011 The music is on for a sound check.
This Hour: Announcements and deadlines The Unit 7 persuasion draft Using evidence: quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing; citing ALL source use Transition phrases and author tags. The fight or flee instinct. Working hard? Keep it up!
The Kaplan Writing Center Please consider using the KU Writing Center for help on your final essay. They have a collection of handouts on all areas of writing (including APA citation and formatting), live tutoring help, non-live tutoring help, and a great paper-reviewing service. The tutors do not “fix” or “clean up” your paper; they offer fine support and send back a linked sheet that will take you directly to their handouts on writing issues. During the last weeks of B track, please allow at least five days to get your paper back; the center receives hundreds of papers during this busy time.
Deadlines and the Incomplete Grade Try to shoot for the Tuesday of Unit 9, Nov. 22nd, to turn in your final. Full comments will be given, along with the rubric. However, IF you really need more time, the extended deadline of the final is the Monday of Unit 10, Nov. 28nd at 11:59 pm, Eastern Time. These finals will be read and graded fairly with the rubric but will not be commented upon. There are no exceptions to this last deadline; the Tuesday of Unit 10 is too late. Finals are not allowed to be revised unless they have large Turnitin matches to source material (plagiarism) AND time before the extended deadline. The deadline for all late DB make-up work and Option 2 seminars is also Monday, Nov. 28th, at 11:59 PM ET. me what you make-up. Those who have fallen behind due to personal emergencies AND are otherwise passing the course (over 60%) may ask me for the Incomplete Grade. This allows a student about two more weeks after Unit 10 is over to turn in the work. The deadline to petition (ask me) is Monday, Nov. 21 st. The work is due Dec. 9 th.
THE UNIT 7 PROJECT Tips: “A first draft is not a rough draft.” This week you have been writing a first draft based on your chosen topics within the following categories. For CJ: 1. Gender Issues in Criminal Justice 2. Terrorism and Border Control 3. Criminal Justice and Technology FS: gender and FS, technology and FS, arson Please look under Unit 7 “Project,” to see the complete requirements. Re-read directions before you hand in any assignment. You may go into Unit 8 to get the draft in to me if needed. You MUST have an argumentative thesis!
PARAPHRASING & SUMMARIZING (We still cite these!)
EXAMPLES from p. 482 of Hacker, D. (2008) Rules for writers, 6e. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Meet Gloria!
Internal or “In-text” Citation: There are “important potential contributors to the rise in childhood obesity” (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2004, p. 1). Any department, government office, private company or corporation, etc. is “the host” of a web site, article, book, or pamphlet. We treat this host as an author: (The City of Boise, 2010).
Internal or “In-text” Citation for Paraphrasing: Concerned parents must look at many factors when considering why their children are overweight. Some lifestyle changes may be in order for the whole family (Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, 2004, p. 1-2). Our own words, yes, but the source’s ideas! We MUST give them credit!
Good Transition Words after, although, as, because, how, if, since, unless, while Any “time word”: before, then, later, the next year, now, today, in previous years, in the future... Any “position word”: above, below, next to, related to, alongside, opposite to, in opposition to, against, in line with, siding with...
Review: Author “Tags” and Introducing Quotations: Dr. Garcia states, “... Amy Chang says, “... Albert Einstein once said, “... These tags may follow quotations, too. “Don’t run in the classroom,” said Professor Ann. Other phrases can be used, too, often with a colon: Dr. Garcia brings up a hopeful point: “... Chang describes three signs to look for: “...
Are you familiar with the “fight or flee” instinct? In college, don’t flee... FIGHT!
Feel free to me, with any concerns! Hang in Take short breaks, but keep on task! Take a look at the handouts on Doc Sharing!