Announcements Weekly Reading Guide/Questions posted on Fridays on course webpage, due in Quiz Section in following week.course webpage Order your course packets:
Norms, Rules, Law I. Meaning of a norm: A. stable patterns of behavior (descriptive) B. principled human behavior (prescriptive) C. the two meanings are interdependent
II. What produces a norm and normative behavior? A.Norms are produced because human beings are social (constructivist) B.Others view norms as the product of power and interest (rationalist) C. Social action determined by a norm – this is universal
III. A Continuum of Social Norms of Behavior A.Consider the Definition of a norm: “a norm exists in a given social setting to the extent individuals usually act in a certain way and are often punished when seen not to be acting in this way” (Axelrod)
(III. A continuum, cont.) B. A Continuum Rituals Prescriptive Legal Norms (Habits,customs) (Rules of principled (Commands) behavior) EXAMPLES: Mealtimes PolitenessCriminal Law
IV. What are the social functions of norms and more specifically law? A.Rules enhance social order B.Rules function to pacify social or political struggle C.Norms express values
V. Compliance and Enforcement of Norms Why do people obey norms, rules, law? A.Because it is in our interest to comply with norms and laws B.Norms are obeyed because one will be penalized for violating a norm
VI. The origin of norms and their maintenance is problematic A.Why are some norms in place but not others? B.Do norms benefit all people in society equally?