Bully Prevention within PBIS Rob Horner, University of Oregon
Objectives Define bullying and the variables that sustain bullying Define five student skills needed to reduce bullying Define the instructional / implementation process to building those student skills
Bully Prevention Self-assessment Feature Not in PlacePartially in PlaceIn Place Needed Actions What? Who? When? 1. School-wide Expectations are defined and taught to all students (school-wide expectations include “respect”) 2. Select “stop routine” * Confirm acceptability by faculty and students. 3. Select “bystander stop routine” * Confirm acceptability by faculty and students. 4. Select “stopping routine” * Confirm acceptability by faculty and students. 5. Select “recruiting help routine” * Confirm acceptability by faculty and students. 6. “All faculty” orientation to BP-PBS logic and core elements. 7. All faculty trained on “teaching BP routines to students” * Teach need to remove rewards for disrespectful behavior * Teach “stop routine,” “bystander stop routine,” “stopping routine,” and “recruiting help routine” 8. All faculty implement adult role in “recruiting help routine” with fidelity. 9. Follow-up “review and repair” sessions conducted at least once every 2 months after initial training 10. Data collected and reviewed weekly on frequency, location, time, and function of verbal/physical aggressions, taunting, teasing. 11. Data reported to faculty monthly until target met. 12. Define student BP survey need, feasibility, and conduct student survey data collection/reporting as needed. 3
4 The Logic: Why invest in Bully Prevention? The National School Safety Center (NSSC) called bullying the most enduring and underrated problem in U.S. schools. (Beale, 2001) Nearly 30 percent of students have reported being involved in bullying as either a perpetrator or a victim (Cook, Williams, Guerra, & Kim, 2010; Nansel, et al., 2001; Swearer & Espelage, 2004). Victims and perpetrators of bullying are more likely to skip and/or drop out of school. (Berthold & Hoover, 2000; Neary & Joseph, 1994) Victims and perpetrators of bullying are more likely to suffer from underachievement and sub-potential performance in employment settings. (Carney & Merrell, 2001; NSSC, 1995).
The Logic Why invest in Bully Prevention? Victims of bullying are: 4.6 times as likely as their peers to develop agoraphobia 2.7 times as likely as their peers to develop generalized anxiety 3.1 times as likely as their peers to develop panic disorder Individuals who both bully and are bullied are: 4.8 times as likely as their peers to develop clinical depression Copeland, Wolke, Angold, & Costello (2013) 5
The Logic Why invest in Bully Prevention? Involvement in bullying is a cross-cultural phenomenon (Jimerson, Swearer, & Espelage, 2010) Bullying is NOT done by a small number of students who are socially and emotionally isolated. Bullying is common across socio-economic status, gender, grade, and class. Bradshaw, et al., 2010 Many bully prevention programs are either ineffective, only show change in verbal behavior, or inadvertently result in increases in relational aggression and bullying. Merrell et al.,
What is Bullying? “Bullying” is repeated aggression, harassment, threats or intimidation when one person has greater status or power than the another.” Examples: 7
Bully Prevention 8 Bullying behavior occurs in many forms, and locations, but typically involves student-student interactions. Bullying is seldom maintained by feedback from adults Bullying is more likely to occur toward students who do not retaliate Bullying is most likely when it results in social attention from others Students who engage in bullying behavior often have the skills to get attention in more appropriate ways. What rewards Bullying Behavior? o Most common are: o Attention and reaction of “victim” o Self-delivered praise o Obtaining objects (food, clothing) o Attention from bystanders
Activity 1. Identify an example of bullying you have encountered _________________________________________ Context/Situation Bullying Behavior Rewarding Consequence _____________________________________________ 2. Identify a problem behavior that would NOT be bullying. 9 Attention and reaction of “victim” Self-delivered praise Obtaining objects (food, clothing) Attention from bystanders
Core Elements of an Effective Bully Prevention Effort. 10 Many Bully Prevention programs focus on the bully and the victim Problem #1: Inadvertently “teach bullying” Problem #2: Blame the bully Problem #3: Ignore role of “bystanders” Problem #4: Initial effects without sustained impact. Problem #5: Expensive What do we need? Bully prevention that is efficient, and “fits” with existing behavior support efforts Bully PREVENTION, not just remediation Bully prevention with the systems that make the program sustainable. Both WHOLE SCHOOL and INDIVIDUAL supports
Elements of Effective Bully Prevention 11 School-wide PBIS Data Use Bully Prevention Logic Faculty Implementation Student Use of BP-PBIS Advanced Support
Core Features of an Effective Bully Prevention Effort. Five Student SkillsFor Faculty/Staff School-wide behavioral expectations (respect) Stop routine when faced with disrespectful behavior Bystander stop routine when observing disrespectful behavior Stopping routine if someone tells you to “stop” A recruit help routine to recruit adult help if you feel unsafe. Agreement on logic for bully prevention effort. Strategy for teaching students core skills Strategy for follow-up and consistency in responding Clear data collection and data use process Advanced support options 12
Core Elements of an Effective Bully Prevention Effort. 13 Establish School-wide expectations (be respectful of others) Teach a common response for students to use when they encounter behavior that is not respectful… o Remove the praise, attention, recognition that follows bullying. o Do this without (a) teaching bullying, or (b) denigrating children who engage in bulling. Make more intensive supports available for the few who need it. ______________________________________________ Bully Prevention in Positive Behavior Support
Available at
Scott Ross, University of Oregon15
Research Support Experimental Support Descriptive Support Examining error patterns Building in sustainability 16
17 Number of out-of-school suspensions pre- and post-implementation of the SWPBS program Good, C., McIntosh, K., Poirier, C. (2009). Integrating Bullying Prevention into School-wide Positive Behavior Support.
18 Good, C., McIntosh, K., Poirier, C. (2009). Integrating Bullying Prevention into School-wide Positive Behavior Support. Number of ODRs for bullying behavior per month pre- and post-implementation of the BP-PBS program
19 The Impact of Schoolwide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports on Bullying and Peer Rejection: A Randomized Controlled Effectiveness Trial Tracy E. Waasdorp; Catherine P. Bradshaw; Philip J. Leaf Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012;166(2): Results: Analyses indicated that children in schools that implemented SWPBIS displayed lower rates of teacher-reported bullying and peer rejection than those in schools without SWPBIS. A significant interaction also emerged between grade level of first exposure to SWPBIS and intervention status, suggesting that the effects of SWPBIS on rejection were strongest among children who were first exposed to SWPBIS at a younger age. Conclusions: The results indicated that SWPBIS has a significant effect on teachers' reports of children's involvement in bullying as victims and perpetrators. The findings were considered in light of other outcomes for students, staff, and the school environment, and they suggest that SWPBIS may help address the increasing national concerns related to school bullying by improving school climate.
Ross, S. W., & Horner, R. H. (2009). Bully prevention in positive behavior support. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 42(4), Three Schools Six students identified for high rates of verbal and physical aggression toward others. Whole school implementation of SWPBIS Whole school addition of Stop-Walk-Talk Direct observation of problem behavior on playground. 20
BP-PBS, Scott Ross22 28% increase 19% decrease
BP-PBS, Scott Ross23 21% increase 22% decrease
Descriptive Study: Whole School Illinois 24
Middle Schools: Expect Respect Student forum Multiple lessons On-going assessment of staff fidelity Student survey 25
26 Bullying/Harassment Prevention in Positive Behavior Support: Expect Respect Brianna C. Stiller Rhonda N.T. Nese Anne K. Tomlanovich Robert H. Horner Scott W. Ross Middle School: Expect Respect
School A School B School C Number of Physical/Verbal Aggressions in Unstructured Setting over 20 min Nese, Stiller, Tomlanovich, Rossetto Dickey, Horner & Ross, 2012
Bully Prevention within PBIS Core Elements and Implementation Process 28
Elements of Bully Prevention within SWPBIS 1. The Logic: Why does bullying occur? What are key features of a school that reduces bullying? Student focus group (forum): Why, What, How 2. Student Orientation Establish a positive school-wide social culture (respect, responsible, safe) Teach a common response to “behavior that is not respectful” As a victim As a bystander Teach how to respond if you are asked to stop Teach how to recruit adult support 3. Adult Orientation How to conduct the student training How to respond to instances of bullying or reports of bullying
Elements of Bully Prevention within SWPBIS 4. Data Use Measure if we have Bully Prevention in place (fidelity) Measure if Bully Prevention effort is effective (student outcomes) 5. Advanced Support Students/families who need more intensive support 6. Steps to Implementation 30
The Logic Bullying is “behavior” … not a trait Bullying is maintained by social rewards from other students (victims and bystanders): o Not consequences from adults Bullying will continue as long as it continues to be rewarded. o Even if we teach appropriate behavior and punish bullying Preventing bullying requires that students remove the social rewards that maintain bullying behaviors. 31
The Logic: Establish student “buy-in ” Build a positive social culture o Teach all students core behavioral expectations o One of the core expectations should include: o Be respectful of others Teach all students what to do when they encounter behavior that is not respectful. o 1. What do you do if someone is not respectful to you? o 2. What do you do if you encounter someone not being respectful to someone else? o 3. What do you do if someone tells you that you are not being respectful? Remove the rewards that sustain bullying behavior. 32
Building Consensus Collect student survey data o Is relational aggression perceived as a problem? Hold student Forums (many formats possible) Share results with whole student-body 33
Scott Ross, University of Oregon34 Harassment Name Calling/ Inapp Language Physical Aggression
Student Survey Date:_______ In your school o 1. You feel safe o 2. Other students treat you respectfully? o 3. You treat other students respectfully? o 4. Adults treat you respectfully? o 5. You treat adults in your school respectfully In the past week o 5. Has anyone treated you disrespectfully? o 6. Have you asked someone to “stop?” o 7. Has anyone asked you to “stop?” o 8. Have you seen someone else treated disrespectfully? Disagree Agree No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes
36 Percentage who report “yes” Mean Response 0-5
Simulated Survey Responses 37 Mean Student Response N = 235
Simulated Survey Results 4 weeks before BP and 4 week after BP 38 Percentage of Students Responding “yes”
Student Forum (middle/high school) 8-10 students selected for leadership/contribution o min Content of discussion: o 1. Disrespectful behavior is a problem. Damages ability of others to succeed in school. o 2. Disrespectful behavior typically keeps happening because it results in attention from peers. o 3. We need common (school-wide) routines for: o A) Stop Routine (signal that behavior should stop) o If someone is disrespectful toward you o If you encounter someone being disrespectful toward others o B) Stopping Routine (what to do when someone asks you to “stop” o C) Recruiting help routing (Getting help when you feel unsafe) o 4. What would be best way to introduce/train these routines? 39
Common Responses from Students ActionProsCons Return insults Fight Back Tell an Adult Don’t react – just ignore it Ask a friend for advice Tell them to stop 40
Student Forum Logic School should be a safe and welcoming place. Disrespectful behavior is maintained if (a) it results in attention from students, and (b) is not addressed by adults. Discussion What are behaviors that are disrespectful? “stop routine” What would be an acceptable word/gesture to indicate, “stop?” (for victim, for bystander, on cyberspace) “Stopping Routine” What should someone do if they are asked to “stop?” “Recruiting help routine” What is the appropriate way to get help/ or report a problem?
Student Orientation/Focus Group Student Orientation/Focus Group Building a culture of social competence o A) School-wide behavioral expectations o Common goal (make school safe and respectful for all) o B) School-wide agreement about how to respond to problem behavior. o Routine for signaling “stop” o Routine for stopping o Routine for recruiting help o C) Define what happens when someone recruits help. o What can adults do.? What should adults do? What will adults do? 42
An approach to school-wide Bully Prevention: For Staff to use Establish a whole-school social culture where positive behavior is “expected” and rewards for bullying are NOT provided. Teach “be respectful” as a basic concept for the school Teach what “not respectful” looks like. All students know what is expected, and can identify the difference between respectful and disrespectful behavior. Student to student Student to adult Adult to student
Teach all students to remove the rewards that sustain bullying Do NOT use the label, “bullying,” with students. Teach how to respond if someone is NOT respectful. __________________________________________ What does it look like when people are not respectful? Why do these behaviors keep happening? What should you do? o If you experience someone doing these behaviors to you? o If you see someone else in these situations? o If someone tells YOU that your behavior is disrespectful? 44
Student BP Orientation Given school-wide expectations Conduct a 30 min training in each classroom: Logic:Everyone should treat everyone else with respect Everyone should avoid rewarding disrespectful behavior Skills: Know what it means to be “respectful” Know what to do if someone is disrespectful to you (show stop) Know what to do if someone asks you to “stop” Know what to do if someone is disrespectful to someone else Know how to get help from an adult 45
Student BP Orientation Learning requires a respectful setting. What does it mean to be respectful? Provide examples of being respectful in class, on playground, in cafeteria What does it look like if someone is NOT respectful? Provide examples Why are people not respectful to each other? Why does disrespectful behavior keep happening? Discussion Disrespectful behavior keeps happening in most cases because it results in attention from others. 46
Student BP Orientation 47 What does attention from others look like? Peer attention comes in many forms: o Arguing with someone who teases you o Laughing at someone being picked on o Simply watching someone be hurt and doing nothing (watching is attention) Provide the core message: Take away the attention that sustains disrespectful behaviors. The candle under a glass Stop, Walk, Talk A clear, simple, and easy to remember 3 step response
Teach a Three-Step Skill that can be used in all places at all times. Keep it simple 48 If you encounter behavior that is NOT respectful Say and Show “STOP” Talk to an Adult Stop Walk Talk Walk Away
Teach the “Stop Routine” 49 If someone is directing problem behavior to you, ask them them to “stop.” Gesture and word Walk away if problem continues Review how the stop signal should look and sound o Firm hand signal o Clear voice
50 Discuss how showing/saying “stop” could be done so it still rewarded disrespectful behavior
Teach the “Stopping Routine” 51 Eventually, every student will be told to stop. When this happens, they should do the following things o Stop what you are doing o Take a deep breath o Go about your day (no big deal) These steps should be followed even when you don’t agree with the “stop” message.
Scott Ross, University of Oregon “Stop” means stop. The rule is: If someone asks you to stop, you stop.
Let’s Practice: “Stop” Divide up into pairs (Student A and Student B) “Raise your hand if you are “Student A”…. “Student B” o Game #1: Student A says “I am being disrespectful” o Student B says “stop” and shows the stop signal o Student A stops, takes a breath, turns away. o Game #2: Change roles: o Student B says “I am being disrepectful” o Student A says “stop” and shows the stop signal o Student B stops, takes a breath, turns away. 53 Review the Logic: Saying “stop” is a way to stop giving oxygen to disrespectful behavior * Be prepared for students to use the “stop” response with too much gusto. * Consider having students show you examples of using the stop response in a way that actually provided attention
Elaboration Everyone think of a situation where you might use the “Stop” message? o Invite two students to demonstrate how to use the “stop” skill in those situations. 54
Train the “Bystander Routine” Remember: Even if all you do is “watch” a bad situation, you are providing attention that rewards disrespectful behavior. If you see someone else being treated disrespectfully: o Say and show “stop” to the person being disrespectful o Offer to take the other person away for a little bit. o If they do not want to go, that is okay…just walk away. 55
Let’s Practice: Bystander routine Divide up into groups of 3 or 4. o Student A, B, C, D: Who is Student A? B? C? D? Game #1: Student A says “I am being disrespectful toward you” to Student B. Student C says, “stop” and moves Student B away Student A stops, takes a breath, and turns away. Game #2: Take turns until everyone has been in each role at least twice. 56
Elaboration Ask students to identify a situation when they were a bystander, and could have used the “stop” signal. If appropriate, ask 3 students to role-play some of the situations proposed. 57
“walk away” and get help routine 58 Sometimes, even when students tell others to “stop”, problem behavior will continue. When this happens, students are to "walk away" from the problem behavior. Remember that walking away removes the attention for problem behavior Encourage students to support one another when they use the appropriate Stop Walk Talk response
Walk away, and get help 59 Even when students use “stop” and they “walk away” from the problem, sometimes someone will continue to behave inappropriately toward them. When that happens, students should "talk" to an adult. Report problems to adults o Where is the line between tattling, and reporting? "Talking" is when you have tried to solve the problem yourself, and have used the "stop" and "walk" steps first: Tattling is when you do not use the "stop" and "walk away" steps before "talking" to an adult Tattling is when your goal is to get the other person in trouble KEY: Students must know what to expect from adults if the student reports an instance of behavior that is not respectful
Getting Help Works Research indicates that if you are submissive or aggressive when faced with disrespectful behavior you are MORE likely to suffer prolonged social problems. “Getting help” is associated with reduction in relational and physical aggression. Kochenderfer-Ladd, 2004 Mahady-Wilton, Cragi, & Pepler, 2000 Scott Ross, University of Oregon60
Let’s practice: (Walk away routine) Divide up into groups of 3 o Student A, Student B, Student C Game #1:Student A, you are the teacher/supervisor Student B: Say, “I am being disrespectful” to Student C Student C: Say “stop” Student B: Say “I am still being disrespectful” Student B: Walk away, go to teacher and say “I said “stop” and he/she did not stop” Game #2: Rotate roles so everyone is in each role. 61
Elaboration What will adults do when you report a problem? o 1. Adults will ask if you said “stop” and walked away o 2. If you did not say “stop” adults will ask you to practice that skill o 3. If you did say “stop” adults will talk to the other student. It is important to all adults in this school that you are both treated respectfully, and feel safe. Remember that the real way to reduce disrespectful behavior is to stop attending to it, and stop talking about it to other students. Tell adults.
Student Orientation Using the teaching plans in the BP-PBIS handbook Building your own teaching plans. Developing a schedule for implementation Teach all children in the school within a 2 week period. How will we do this? Build a strategy for providing orientation to new students entering the school. Plan on 1-2 follow up “booster” training events Two months after initial training. Use examples of most common problems, and have students rehearse how to use the Stop-Walk-Talk routine 63
Review and Repair Build a schedule for formal “review and repair” sessions o Consider every 2 month cycle In class discussion o What are situations where you have used the Stop/Walk/Talk skills successfully? o What are situations where Stop/Walk/ Talk did not work? o Cyber-aggression o Rumor transmission o Aggression through rejection o Ganging up on someone o Aggression in retaliation for perceived “wrongs” o What might we try differently? 64
Activity 1. How would you determine if bullying is an issue worthy of concern for your school? By when? 2. What is a “stop” signal/ routine that would work for your school? 3. What is a “stopping routine” that would work for your school? 4. How would we obtain student input into the selection of the “stop” and “stopping” routines? Student forum? 65
Faculty/Staff Orientation : Objectives Faculty/Staff Orientation : Objectives Faculty can define logic for BP-PBIS Common “stop” signal adopted for whole school Faculty can teach “student orientation” skills Faculty reward/recognize student use of BP “stop” routine Faculty manage “student reporting” routine Faculty can deliver “booster training” Faculty can deliver “pre-corrects” Faculty collect and use data for decision making 66
Faculty/Staff BP Orientation: Bully Prevention Logic Provide logic: o Define bullying behavior o Define the impact of bullying behavior on social and educational outcomes for students. o Review current data from school o ODRs for harassment, aggression, fighting, inappropriate language o Review informal reports from students, faculty or families. o Conduct survey (if appropriate) o Review national patterns o 30% of students report experiencing bullying behavior o Review goal for embedding bully prevention within current PBIS effort o Provide summary of BP-PBIS core elements o Review empirical support for Bully Prevention within PBIS
Faculty/Staff BP Orientation: Deliver Student Orientation How to Deliver the Student Bully Prevention Orientation o Review logic for being “respectful” o Need to remove the attention (oxygen) that sustains disrespectful behavior. o Teach f student skills. How to identify what is “respectful” and “not respectful” How to indicate “stop” if you are treated disrespectfully How to do the “stopping” routine if you are asked to “stop” How to say “stop” if you see someone else treated disrespectfully How to walk away and get help o Teach students to be clear about what to expect from adults when they ask for help.
Faculty/Staff BP Orientation: Rewarding Appropriate Behavior 69 Effective Implementation and Generalization of BP routines requires that students receive recognition for appropriate behavior, the FIRST time they attempt to use the new skills. o Look for students that use the 3 step response (Stop-Walk-Talk) appropriately and provide recognition of their skill. o Students that struggle with problem behavior (either as victim or perpetrator) are less likely to attempt new approaches. Reward them for efforts that are good approximations.
Faculty/Staff BP Orientation: Responding to Report of Bullying 70 When any problem behavior is reported, adults follow a specific response sequence: Ensure the student’s safety. Is the bullying still happening? Is the reporting child at risk? What does the student need to feel safe? What is the severity of the situation Determine if “stop” response was used If “stop” used provide praise, and connect with perpetrator If “stop” response was not used, practice the Stop-Walk-Talk routine with the student reporting a problem. Determine if “stop” response was followed If “stop” not followed, practice how to stop when asked.
Faculty/Staff BP Orientation: Responding to Report of Bullying With Student reporting bullying: o “Okay, I will take it from here.” 71 "Did you tell ______ to stop?" If yes: "How did ____ respond?” If no: Practice the 3 step response (stop-walk-talk). "Did you walk away?" If yes: "How did ____ respond?” If no: Practice the 3 step response.
When the reporting child did it right… 72 With student reported to have done bullying: Reinforce the student for discussing the problem with you "Did ______ tell you to stop?" If yes: "How did you respond?” If no: Practice the 3 step response. "Did ______ walk away?" If yes: "How did you respond?” If no: Practice the 3 step response. Practice the 3 step response (stop-walk-talk). The amount of practice depends on the severity and frequency of problem behavior
Let’s Practice: Staff responding routine Divide into groups of 3 (A, B, C o Decide who is A = Teacher, B = Victim, C = Person who did bullying. o Activity 1: Victim approaches teacher, “____ did not stop” o Teacher: 1. You did well to come tell me o 2. Are you okay? o 3. Did you tell ____ to “stop” o 4. Victim did not tell ____ to stop… so you say “remember we need to take the oxygen away from behaviors we don’t like… so let’s practice how you could handle this. If someone did ????, how would you show them they needed to stop?” …. “good”…. Now do that in the future. o Repeat so everyone is in all three roles. 73
Let’s Practice Divide into groups of 3 (A, B, C) o Decide who is A = Teacher, B = Victim, C = Person who did bullying. o Activity 1I: Victim approaches teacher, “____ did not stop” o Teacher: 1. You did well to come tell me o 2. Are you okay? o 3. Did you tell ____ to “stop” o 4. Victim did tell ____ to stop… so you talk to the person who did bullying: o 5. Did ____ ask you to “stop?”… did you stop? Let’s practice stopping when someone asks you to stop. o Repeat so everyone is in all three roles. 74
Faculty/Staff BP Orientation: Booster Build in “booster” training events o Two Weeks after training: Each week review skills, and update What were examples where the routines worked well What were examples where students were unclear o Two months after initial student training, hold a brief review of Stop-Walk-Talk routine. o Four months after initial student training, consider holding another brief review of Stop- Walk-Talk routine. 75
Faculty/Staff BP Orientation: Pre-correcting Pre-correcting for effective bully prevention. o First two weeks after whole-school BP orientation Identify 2-3 times when bullying is most likely (playground, cafeteria, assembly). For the first two weeks after training, teachers will rehearse “Stop-Walk-Talk” guidelines just before releasing students for the activity. Pre-correct students needing more support For students with higher likelihood of bullying or victim behavior Rehearse “Stop-Walk-Talk” guidelines just before releasing students for activities with high-probability of problem behavior. As a team: How will you prompt pre-correcting? 76
Bully Prevention Self-assessment Feature Not in PlacePartially in PlaceIn Place Needed Actions What? Who? When? 1. School-wide Expectations are defined and taught to all students (school-wide expectations include “respect”) 2. Select “stop routine” * Confirm acceptability by faculty and students. 3. Select “bystander stop routine” * Confirm acceptability by faculty and students. 4. Select “stopping routine” * Confirm acceptability by faculty and students. 5. Select “recruiting help routine” * Confirm acceptability by faculty and students. 6. “All faculty” orientation to BP-PBS logic and core elements. 7. All faculty trained on “teaching BP routines to students” * Teach need to remove rewards for disrespectful behavior * Teach “stop routine,” “bystander stop routine,” “stopping routine,” and “recruiting help routine” 8. All faculty implement adult role in “recruiting help routine” with fidelity. 9. Follow-up “review and repair” sessions conducted at least once every 2 months after initial training 10. Data collected and reviewed weekly on frequency, location, time, and function of verbal/physical aggressions, taunting, teasing. 11. Data reported to faculty monthly until target met. 12. Define student BP survey need, feasibility, and conduct student survey data collection/reporting as needed. 77
Summary Bullying is more prevalent and destructive than we typically acknowledge Tier I bully prevention o Teach five core student skills Identify “respect”… use stop routine… use bystander routine… walk away routine… get help routine o Adapt core skills to developmental level of students Tier II, III support o Individualized, function-based support for students with high rates of bullying. Collect and use data to define level of need, fidelity of implementation, and impact of implementation