Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan SS Injection Region Ionospheric Observations Magnetospheric Observations Physical boundaries magnetospheric models Correlation.


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Presentation transcript:

Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan SS Injection Region Ionospheric Observations Magnetospheric Observations Physical boundaries magnetospheric models Correlation of >30keV e- flux (for example)

Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan Feb 2 nd - MSP Dipolarizations

Feb 2 nd - Riometer Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan The NORSTAR riometers observe three injections – each injection is seen in multiple riometers They are relatively localized (ie. they do not appear across the array) Injection #1 - ~7:40UT The only one I’m going to show (Emma ran out of time)

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan What is the optical signature of the injection? Can we track the injection region with the optics?... Basically can we use the ASIs as a large scale imaging riometer ? (for the purpose of identifying injections) injection in riometer

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan What is the optical signature of the injection? Can we track the injection region with the optics?... Basically can we use the ASIs as a large scale imaging riometer ? (for the purpose of identifying injections) Using a grid size roughly equivalent to a riometer FOV

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan follow the temporal evolution of grid cells and apply the dispersionless injection criteria of Spanswick et. al 2007 The idea… Grid cells containing more than 100 ASI pixels

Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan Feb 2 nd – White Light E W Injections: <3min rise time >15 minute dur.

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan Injection onset

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +30s

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +30s

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +30s

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +30s

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +30s

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +30s

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +30s

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +30s

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +30s

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +30s

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan +1 minute

Feb 2 nd – White Light Mapping out the injection information within the grid cells using T87 – Kp2 One snapshot can be mapped out using any standard empirical model to give a general idea of what one step in this might look like in the magnetotail. So this is certainly reasonable…

Feb 2 nd – White Light … but this is almost certainly garbage!

Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan SS Injection Region Ionospheric Observations Magnetospheric Observations Physical boundaries magnetospheric models Correlation of >30keV e- flux (for example) riometer white light ASI MSI MSP GMAGs SST ESA FGM IC

Feb 2 nd – Injection Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan

Feb 2 nd – Injection Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan

THEMIS Science Meeting – March 18 th 2008 Mapping Questions Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan We have previously found (with riometers and CRRES) that the correlation between integrated electron flux above 30keV and riometer absorption could be used to infer something about satellite mapping.. What are the right in situ quantities to do this with and what is the right scale size?? Can the combined information from riometers / MSPs / NORSTAR-MSIs help determine satellite mapping for THEMIS??

Feb 2 nd – Injection Emma Spanswick & Eric Donovan More needs to be done…. Where are these injection in the CPS?? Using the THEMIS–ASI, NORSTAR-MSP, NORSTAR– MSI, we can place the onset of injection relative to the proton/electron auroral boundaries (location in CPS) Meaningfully map the time sequence to the equatorial plane Correlate transient signatures from THEMIS ESA and the white light and multi-spectral ASIs Use event-specific empirical model adjusted as best as possible to give a time evolving mapping.