Work Experience Some points to consider before: If you have any medical issues contact employer before placement commences. Pupils that require protective clothing have been identified – see Pastoral Support Teacher. Ensure you are aware of any changes to timetables / road works if on public transport. / use this to plan your journey. /
Work Experience Some points to consider during: Remember to phone your placement and the school if you are unwell. You must be pro active, ask if there is any extra work you can do – it is an experience! Stay safe – follow all of the health and safety rules that the employer sets out. Remember to take you log book and fill it in every day.
Work Experience Some points to consider after: Protective clothing must be returned to the development base at interval on Monday 11 th November. Overalls should be washed and boots must be polished on return. Bring your log book into school, it will be used for planning your PSHE lessons.