Godly Families in the Local Church Prepared by Chris Reeves * June 28, 2006 * Third Annual Truth Lectures
Family Dissolution Today Americanization Lack of homemaking Materialism and worldliness Lack of parenting skills Neglecting the good Liberal agendas
Families: Ancient and Modern Ancient families: close knit, patriarchal, simple life, God-centered Modern families: free-floating, matriarchal, complex life, self-centered
God’s Plan for Family Unity Husbands and wives together (Gen. 2:24; Mal. 2:14; Mt. 19:6; Rev.19:6) Parents and children together (Psa. 127:1,3-5; 128:3; Prov. 5:18-19; 11:29; 27:8; 23:22-25; Eccl. 9:9) Families together (Neh. 3:12; 8:2-3; Acts 21:4-6,8-9)
Families in the Local Church Converted together (Acts 11:14; 16:15) Worship together (Deut. 16:11) Bible study together (Deut. 6:4-9; 31:9-13; Josh. 8:34-35) Serve together (Eph. 4:16) Hospitality together (1 Pet. 4:9)
Families in the Local Church Evangelism together (Acts 8:4) Edify together (1 Thess. 5:14-15) Grow together (2 Pet. 1:5ff; 3:18) Lead together (1 Tim. 3:2,4-5,11-12) Respectful together (1 Cor. 11:22) Loyal together (Matt. 6:33)
Necessary Attitudes Self-examination (2 Kings 4:26) True knowledge (Eph. 5:17) Strong commitment (Prov. 22:6) Great resolve (Josh. 24:15) Godly jealousy (2 Cor. 11:2) Balance (Lk. 10:38-42)
Necessary Attitudes Love and respect (Eph. 5:22 - 6:4) Care and concern (1 Thess. 2:7-12) Purity and honor (Heb. 13:4)
Local Church Planning All church members (1 Tim. 5:1-2; Tit. 2:2-7) Preachers (1 Tim. 4:12,16) Elders (1 Tim. 3:3-5) Bible class teachers (Tit. 2:1)
Godly Families in the Local Church Joined together Happy together Sacrificial together Serving together Heaven-bound together