1 Samuel 17:26-28 (p.224) 1 Samuel 17:26-28 (p.224) David was ready to risk it all and do great things with the Lord. David was ready to risk it all.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Samuel 17:26-28 (p.224) 1 Samuel 17:26-28 (p.224) David was ready to risk it all and do great things with the Lord. David was ready to risk it all and do great things with the Lord. 1 Samuel 17: Samuel 17:37-40 Godly character is built when no one is looking. It is tested in the crisis moments. Godly character is built when no one is looking. It is tested in the crisis moments. Are you doing the hard work with Christ to forge godly character? Are you doing the hard work with Christ to forge godly character?

1 Samuel 18:3-9 1 Samuel 18:3-9 It is very hard to restore compromised character. It is very hard to restore compromised character. When we compromise on godliness, we lose the Lord’s strength and confidence. When we compromise on godliness, we lose the Lord’s strength and confidence. 1 Samuel 19:1-3 1 Samuel 19:1-3 Don’t play the jealousy and insecurity game. Don’t play the jealousy and insecurity game. Are you willing to maintain your integrity even when it will cost you? Are you willing to maintain your integrity even when it will cost you?

“Punish me. I do not deserve it. But because I do not deserve it, I will accept it so that the world will know that I am right and you are wrong.” … From some mysterious source he has found the courage and the conviction to meet physical force with soul force. Martin Luther King, Jr,