Assessing Physical Fitness Assessing Physical Fitness
Importance of Exercise An epidemic of hypokinetic diseases is prevalent in our society today. An epidemic of hypokinetic diseases is prevalent in our society today. Hypokinetic Diseases: Chronic diseases developed as a result of lack of physical activity Hypokinetic Diseases: Chronic diseases developed as a result of lack of physical activity 65% of Americans are considered overweight/obese. 65% of Americans are considered overweight/obese. Type II diabetes epidemic proportions in children ages 10 to 13 Type II diabetes epidemic proportions in children ages 10 to 13 College students are showing early forms of hypokinetic diseases. College students are showing early forms of hypokinetic diseases.
Surgeon General’s Report 85% of Americans need more physical activity to improve their health. 85% of Americans need more physical activity to improve their health. People of all ages can benefit from physical activity. People of all ages can benefit from physical activity. Increasing caloric expenditures daily had proven to be beneficial to an individual's health. Increasing caloric expenditures daily had proven to be beneficial to an individual's health.
Why Perform Physical Assessments? They help identify your current fitness levels in several fitness categories. They help identify your current fitness levels in several fitness categories. They provide information to tell you if the program is effective for improvement or maintenance. They provide information to tell you if the program is effective for improvement or maintenance. The results give you an opportunity to revise your goals or measure the effectiveness of your program. The results give you an opportunity to revise your goals or measure the effectiveness of your program.
Types of Physical Fitness Physical fitness is the ability of the body to function at optimal efficiency. Physical fitness is the ability of the body to function at optimal efficiency. Two types: Two types: 1) Performance related fitness 2) Health related fitness
Performance Related Physical Fitness Speed Speed Power Power Agility Agility Balance Balance Reaction time Reaction time Coordination Coordination
Health-Related Physical Fitness Cardiorespiratory endurance Cardiorespiratory endurance Muscular strength Muscular strength Muscular endurance Muscular endurance Body composition Body composition Flexibility Flexibility
Cardiorespiratory Endurance Ability of the heart, lungs, blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles/remove waste products Ability of the heart, lungs, blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles/remove waste products Considered the most important fitness component Considered the most important fitness component
Cardiorespiratory Endurance Tests The following are types of assessments used to determine your CR-CV endurance The following are types of assessments used to determine your CR-CV endurance Exercise tolerance test (stress test) Exercise tolerance test (stress test) 1.5-mile run test 1.5-mile run test 1-mile walk test 1-mile walk test 3-mile bike test 3-mile bike test 500-yd. swim test 500-yd. swim test 3-minute step test 3-minute step test
Body Composition Amount of body fat in proportion to fat-free weight Amount of body fat in proportion to fat-free weight This method gauges fatness as opposed to body weight alone. This method gauges fatness as opposed to body weight alone. Various methods are used to determine body composition. Various methods are used to determine body composition.
Body Composition Tests Body fat is measured by using several different techniques: Body fat is measured by using several different techniques: Hydrostatic weighing Hydrostatic weighing Skinfold calipers Skinfold calipers Bioelectrical impedance Bioelectrical impedance
Muscular Strength Ability of the muscles to simultaneously exert maximal force against resistance Ability of the muscles to simultaneously exert maximal force against resistance Short duration and high intensity Short duration and high intensity
Muscular Endurance Ability of the muscles to exert or develop force repetitiously over a period of time using a sub- maximal force. Ability of the muscles to exert or develop force repetitiously over a period of time using a sub- maximal force. Intensity levels are lower compared to strength Intensity levels are lower compared to strength
Muscular Strength/Muscular Endurance tests These tests will assess your abilities to perform daily routines efficiently as well as enhance sports performance: These tests will assess your abilities to perform daily routines efficiently as well as enhance sports performance: Abdominal curl test Abdominal curl test Push up test Push up test Leg press strength test Leg press strength test Bench press strength test Bench press strength test
Flexibility Movement of a joint through a full range of motion Movement of a joint through a full range of motion Essential for movement Essential for movement Helps reduce muscle strains Helps reduce muscle strains Each movement is specific to each joint. Each movement is specific to each joint. Reduction of movement may compromise a healthy lifestyle as one ages. Reduction of movement may compromise a healthy lifestyle as one ages.
Flexibility Tests These tests will indicate if you have a normal range of motion in certain joints: These tests will indicate if you have a normal range of motion in certain joints: Lower back flexibility test Lower back flexibility test Hip flexor flexibility test Hip flexor flexibility test Quadriceps flexibility test Quadriceps flexibility test Sit and reach test Sit and reach test Sit and reach wall test Sit and reach wall test
Calculating Your BMR Age Equation Men: x body weight (lbs) x body weight (lbs) Women: x body weight (lbs) x body weight (lbs) Your BMR is ___________kcal/day.
Estimate Your Activity Factor
Estimated Energy Requirement
Body Mass Index Your BMI = 705 ( ) 2 = body weight (lbs) height (in) body weight (lbs) height (in) ____________ ratio ____________ ratio RatioClassification <20Underweight Normal Overweight >30Obese
Waist-to-Hip Ratio Your WHR = _____ ______ ___________ = _________ waist circ. (in) hip circ. (in) ratio waist circ. (in) hip circ. (in) ratio Standards for Waist-to-Hip Ratios Men:<0.95 Women:<0.80