The Czech education system Mgr. Petra Velebova November 2009
Tradition of education in Czech history The Czech education system is based on a long tradition: 1348 Charles University was established (the first European University east of Germany) 17 th century Jan Amos Comenius (1592 – 1670) (Czech theologian, philosopher, educator and writer; called the „teacher of nations“) 1774 compulsory school attendance was enacted (Maria Theresa of Austria)
The Czech education system today … The school year starts on the 1 st September and ends on the 30 th June (is divided in 2 terms). There are several breaks throughout the year: autumn, Christmas, spring and Easter. Summer holidays takes 2 month (July, August). School´s day is different of different types of schools (average number of lessons on secondary school approx. 30 per week, primary schools have fewer lessons). Pupils/students don´t wear uniform at public schools. 1 lesson = 45 minutes 8:00- 8:45 8:55- 9:40 10:00- 10:45 10:55- 11:40 11:50- 12:35 12:45- 13:30 13:35- 14:20 14:30- 15:15 15:20- 16:05
The Czech education system today … Pupils/students are evaluated by marks from the 1 = the best to 5 = the worst. Our classification code: If the pupil of primary/secondary school gets 5, he/she must be re-examined in the respective subject at the end of summer holliday (usually in August). If he/she passes the retake exam, he/she can enter the next level class in September. If he/she fails, he/she must re-do the last class again. Hodinová dotace Minimální počet známek Z toho: ústně písemně 1 h/týden312 2 h/týden624 3 h/týden725 4 h/týden835
Types of school 1. Public – these school are free of charge 2. Private – where tuition fees are charged 3. Religious 4. Special – for children with some disability; they may be integrated also in standard school 5. Alternative – for example Waldorf, Montessori Most Czech schools are administered by the state.
Grades of education PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION (creches, nursery school) Kids learn some basic skills (recognizing colours, animals, logically think, training their memories). This grade of education is important for children´s smooth transition to basic school.
Grades of education PRIMARY EDUCATION (basic school) Compulsory school attendance takes 9 years (usually from the age of 6 till the age of 15). There are 2 levels of the basic school: First level (primary level): takes five years; children learn to read and write, they have arts, … Second level (lower secondary level): takes four years; children have more specialized subjects like chemistry, biology, history. Upon completion of the first level, pupils who show interest and succeed in the admission procedure, may transfer to multiyear grammar school.
Grades of education SECONDARY EDUCATION (grammar school, secondary vocation school, secondary training centre) Pupils, who have fulfilled the nine-year compulsory school attendance, can aply for study at a secondary school. Secondary education – when student gets a report on a final exam after one to two years of study. Secondary education with vocational certificate – completed after two to three years of study by a report on a final exam and a vocational certificate stating professional capability, e.g. in the area of crafts. By graduating the medium education level one can obtain:
Grades of education SECONDARY EDUCATION Secondary education with a leaving examination – when usually after four years of study a student gets a report on a leaving examination. A leaving examination consists of several smaller exams – an exam of the Czech language and other exams according to study specialization and also the student's choice. In future, the leaving exam should consist of two parts, common (state) and profiling (specific for individual types of schools). The objective is to provide better comparability of this exam among different schools.
Grades of education TERTIARY EDUCATION (higher vocational school, college, university) Tertiary education is included in studies following completed secondary education with a leaving exam. Higher vocational school – prepare pupils for demanding, skilled professions. Takes 3 years, practice included, and 3,5 years for medicine and certain other fields of study. The study is finished by a certificate (absolutorium - specific exam on selected subjects and practical exam in relation to the subject studied). Together with the certificate students are awarded the title of certified specialist (the abbreviation DiS., is added after a name).
Grades of education University education – is available to all applicants with completed secondary education who successfully pass the entrance exam. The system of entrance exams is specified individually by each college, and serves for testing the knowledge and skills of applicants. Most universities have the following accredited degree programs: Bachelor´s: usually a 3 year course of study in which students get an elementary survey of highly specialized areas. Students can complete studies of a leaving exam including the defense of bachelor´s thesis, or may continue into the master´s program. Master´s: operates either as 5 or 6 year, or 2 year programs following bachelor´s studied. During the course, students gain both a basic survey of highly specialized subjects and a certain grade of specialization. The program culminates with students taking required state leaving exams and defending their diploma thesis. Engineering: relates to the technical and economic fields.
Grades of education After students pass these types of university study, some continue in their specialization through doctoral program. Passing this program is often conditioned with certain publication work and sometimes also by training. By the standard types of study, colleges offer also other forms of education: retraining study, university for seniors, studies oriented toward pedagogical qualification, etc.