SRA CORRECTIVE READING SRA Corrective Reading Series is a complete core program that uses groundbreaking Direct Instruction methods to help students master the essential decoding and fluency skills they need not only to read well, but to learn well. SRA Corrective Reading Program is a carefully developed and tested program structured so that students learn how to learn as they master increasingly complex skills and strategies. The program involves a scripted presentation approach that uses a brisk pace, carefully chosen exercises and examples, and other special presentation techniques to engage even reluctant learners. The program includes complete learning materials, including student books, workbooks, and teacher presentation books and guides that provide everything from placement tests to a management system that rewards hard work.
PLACEMENT TEST SAMPLE PLACEMENT TEST The students begin the SRA program by completing a placement test which asses their reading ability and places them into Level A, Level B1, Level B2, or Level C. The student will read from a set of four passages and the teacher will time the assessment and mark any decoding mistakes that the student makes. The student will be placed in the SRA decoding series based on their time and amount of mistakes. SAMPLE PLACEMENT TEST
LEVEL A The SRA Corrective Reading Program is broken up into four levels. The first level is Decoding A (65 Lessons) which teaches nonreaders sound-spelling relationships and shows students how to sound out words. Students are first taught the connection between sound-spelling relationships through regularly spelled words. Then irregular words are introduced. Later sentence and story reading activities are used to teach students to apply their newly learned strategies. DECODING WORD LIST LEVEL A
LEVEL A (CONT.) SAMPLE LESSON LEVEL A After completing Decoding A students should be expected to read basic sentences and simple stories composed of mostly regularly spelled words. They should be able to read 60 words correct per minute with 98% accuracy, and reading at about a 2.5 grade level. SAMPLE LESSON LEVEL A
LEVEL B DECODING WORD LIST LEVEL B1 DECODING WORD LIST LEVEL B2 The next two levels are Decoding B1 (65 Lessons) and Decoding B2 (65 Lessons). In decoding B1 and Decoding B2 word attack skills are refined and applied to more sound-spelling patterns and difficult words. These skills are applied in stories designed to correct mistakes the poor reader typically makes. Students are introduced to new words and word types, phonemic relationships, long and short vowel sounds, new sound combinations, and new word endings. They apply their skills by reading stories of increasing length and with more complex syntax and then answering comprehension questions both orally and in writing. DECODING WORD LIST LEVEL B1 DECODING WORD LIST LEVEL B2
LEVEL B (CONT.) SAMPLE DECODING LESSON B1 SAMPLE DECODING LESSON B2 After completing Decoding B1 and B2, students show great improvement in both reading speed and accuracy. The students should be able to read 90 words correct per minute with 98% accuracy, and reading at about a 4.9 grade level. SAMPLE DECODING LESSON B1 SAMPLE DECODING LESSON B2
LEVEL C DECODING WORD LIST LEVEL C The final level is Decoding C (125 Lessons) which bridges the gap between advanced word-attack skills and the ability to read textbooks and other informational material. Students learn more than 500 new vocabulary words and read a variety of passages, from narrative to expository, with fairly sophisticated vocabulary. To prepare them to read in all content areas, Decoding C introduces sentence types and conventions that are typical of textbook material. DECODING WORD LIST LEVEL C
LEVEL C (CONT.) After completing Decoding C, students average 150 words correct per minute with 98% accuracy, and reading at about a 7th grade level. SAMPLE DECODING LESSON C