Career Development Forum 28 th August 2008
NPA Core Competencies For postdocs, mastering a range of skills is essential preparation for becoming independent investigators. Established six core competecies to offer guidance for postdoctoral training. It is noted that the career aspirations and prior experience of each postdoc will lead to emphasis on different competenciesc
Six Core Competencies 1.Scientific Knowledge 2.Research Skill Development 3.Communications Skills 4.Professionalism 5.Leadership and Management Skills 6.Responsible Conduct of Research
1.Scientific Knowledge Specific skills a.Analytical approach to defining scientific questions b.Design of scientifically testable hypotheses c.Broad based knowledge acquisition d.Interpretation and analysis of data
2. Research Skill Development Specific skills a.Laboratory techniques/safety b.Experimental Design c.Data analysis and interpretation d.Statistical analysis e.Effective evaluation of the literature f.Principles of the peer review process
3. Research Skill Development Specific skills a.Writing - Papers, Grants, Career b.Speaking - Presenting research, Interviews, Teaching c.Interpersonal Communication - Negotiation, Performance reviews d.Special situations - Networking, managing the media
4. Professionalism Specific skills a.Personal: Connecting with yourself b.Social: Maintaining work-life balance c.Workplace - Developing skills as a member of a team/dept. d.Institutional - Connecting as a representative of an institution e.Collegial - Connecting with the discipline of expertise f.Universal: Connecting with society
5. Leadership and Management Skills Specific skills a.Management - Research staff, projects, data, resources. b.Leadership - Running meetings, delegating, motivating and inspiring.
6. Responsible Conduct of Research Specific skills a.Data Ownership/Sharing - Collaborators, industry, ownership of data b.Publication Practices - Criteria for authorship, reporting clinical trials c.Research with Human Subjects d.Research with Animal Subjects e.Identifying Misconduct f.Conflicts of Interest - Personal, intellectual, financial, competition
Summary These are six areas in which the NPA recommend a postdoc have training in order to prepare for life as an independent investigator. Which of these do you feel you are most lacking? Which of these should the PDA focus on?