Assessment Information Evening 17 th September 2015
Aims To explain the purpose of assessment To explain how we approach and use assessment at Little Green
Quiz Time !
True or False? 1. The Year Group a child is in tells you the level they should be working at : Year 3 = Level 3 Year 6 = Level 6
True or False? 2. Teachers only use tests to find out how well children are doing?
True or False? 3. Children can assess their own work.
True or False? 4. A good teacher marks every piece of work in detail and corrects every single spelling.
True or False? 5. Only written work is used by teachers to assess children.
True or False? 6. Assessment information helps teachers to plan what children need to learn next.
True or False? 7. Age related expectations give an indication of how the child performs against national standards.
True or False? 8. Teachers only assess children at the end of the year.
Why do we assess children? Aim of all assessment is not to label children but is always to recognise what children can do and inform teachers, parents and the children themselves about what they need to learn next in order to enable them to make good progress in their learning. There are two types of assessment: Formative and Summative.
Formative Assessment Ongoing day to day assessment using a range of evidence, for example: Written work Group discussion Questioning Observation Feedback to children through both written marking comments and through verbal comments focussed on the success criteria for the lesson which will identify what they can do well and what they need to work on. Self and Peer Assessment encouraging them to reflect on their work and challenge themselves in their learning. Used to inform planning of lessons and identify next steps for individuals and groups within the class.
Summative Assessment Periodic assessment, which can be tests or tasks, and give an idea of what a child can do at a given point in time. Used to give children opportunity to show that they can use and apply prior learning.
How is assessment information used? To recognise children’s progress and success as learners To identify next steps in learning for individuals and groups of pupils To inform planning and differentiation to enable all children to make progress in their learning on a day to day basis and over a longer period of time To support teachers making a ‘best fit’ judgement about children’s attainment at the end of each term across a range of evidence.
How is assessment information shared? Children receive ongoing feedback about their work and areas for development from teachers on a daily basis. Termly pupil progress meetings are held between class teachers and SLT to track and monitor every child’s progress and adapt provision as necessary so that they can continue to make progress. Information is passed on at transition so that the next teacher can continue to take the child’s learning forward. Parents receive information about progress on a termly basis through Parent Consultations and written reports. The Governing Body, Local Authority and OFSTED use whole school assessment information, including published test results and school’s own data, as part of their monitoring of standards in school.
Changes from September 2014 New National Curriculum with higher expectations in each Year Group was introduced in Sept 2014 for Years 3 to 5. From Sept 2015 all year groups are now working to new curriculum requirements. Emphasis on developing skills and a breadth and depth of knowledge within each Year Group’s curriculum Main change in assessment terms: ‘Removal’ of established national curriculum levels to describe attainment. Our current Year 3 children were the last cohort to be assessed against the old national curriculum levels. Replaced by national ‘age related expectations’ for each Year Group. There will still be end of Key Stage 2 tests for Year 6 pupils. Results of these will no longer be reported as ‘levels’ but as a scaled score which will place them on a scale of achievement where 100 represents the ‘national standard’.
What are teachers assessing against if levels are no longer used? Emphasis is now not on what ‘level’ a child is working at but rather an assessment of what they can do and what their next steps are. We, alongside Malvern Way, use a set of criteria developed by the Hertfordshire advisory team, which define the skills and knowledge children in each Year Group need to securely develop in order to meet the national age related expectations for that year. Teachers adapt planning to address any ‘gaps’ in learning for cohorts, classes and individuals resulting from the transition from the former curriculum to the new content and raised expectations of the current curriculum.
Example Year 5 Writing Criteria
Example Yr4 Maths Criteria
Teachers use the criteria to support planning and assess children against these throughout the year to make judgements about whether a child is ‘on track’ so that by the end of the year they can make informed ‘best fit’ judgements about whether a child is working towards/ within /above age related expectations.
How do we ensure our judgements are accurate? At least termly moderation of each other’s judgements as a staff Participate in moderation with Malvern Way and other local schools Heads and Deputies work with those from other schools Judgements are validated through book scrutinies by the Local Authority during termly visits
Further Information Assessment Policy Curriculum Overviews SATs Results Further information regarding the Year 6 tests next term
KS2 SATs Results 2015 Little Green 2015Hertfordshire 2015 Reading98%93% Writing Teacher Assessment 96%90% GPS89%84% Maths96%89% Reading Writing and Maths combined 91%83% Level 5 Reading66%56% Writing51%42% GPS73%61% Maths49%47% Reading Writing and Maths combined 36%29% Level 6 Reading4%0.5% Writing6%2.3% GPS11%6% Maths16%11% Reading Writing and Maths combined 2%0.1%
Thank you !