By: Monkeyrocker92 And G-menfan
Nebula A nebula is a big cloud of gas and dust.
Protostar A protostar is the early stage of a star formation. It can last up to one hundred thousand years. A protostar can either turn into a brown dwarf or a main sequence star.
Picture of a Protostar
Brown Dwarf A brown dwarf is a star who did not have enough mass to start fusion.
Main sequence star A main sequence star is one who start fusion. Which is fusion hydrogen into helium. Most stars are in main sequence like our sun.
Picture of a Main sequence star
Red giant/ Red supergiant A red giant/red supergiant is the end of the life of a star. A red giant is when a middle size star runs out of hydrogen and starts fusing helium A red supergiant is when a big star runs out of hydrogen and fuses bigger elements like carbon, oxygen and the way up to iron.
Red Giant
Planetary Nebula/ Supernova A planetary nebula is when a red giant stops fusing and the outer layers of the star are driven away. A supernova is when a red supergiant collapses on its self and explodes.
White dwarf/ Black dwarf A white dwarf is what happens to a small/medium size star after a planetary nebula. A black dwarf is after a white dwarf cools off and emits no more light.
Pictures of White Dwarf and Black Dwarf.
Neutron star/ Black hole A neutron star is the left over core of a high mass star after a supernova. Then gravity takes over and forces all of the electrons out and all that is left over is the neutrons. The neutrons make a super dense star. A black hole is a another way a high mass star can end its life. A black hole is an object that sucks up all the objects around it.
Pictures of a black hole and a neutron star