TS-MME-CEM Section: Mandate Realize qualitative and quantitative inorganic and/or organic chemical analyses, develop new analytical procedures and methods following the users demands, provide support on general chemistry for MME Group and CERN community. Offers expertise and consultancy in radiation chemistry, ageing and materials compatibility and reactivity, purification of gaseous mixtures and fluids. Assures a complex range of metallic surface treatments: cleaning for UHV applications; chemical&electrochemical degreasing, plating, etching and polishing using DC or pulsed current. Assures the outsourcing, when necessary, for different surface treatments and for plastic and resins works. Produce prototypes, pieces or parts in different types of resins and realize special gluing, as, for example for cryogenic, magnetic or high voltage applications for LHC and/or HEP detectors.
Chef de section : S.Ilie Leonel Ferreira M. A. Jacky Carosone Colette Charvet Serge Forel Marina Malabaila Marc Thiebert Atelier Traitement de surface Laboratoire de Chimie Atelier Résines et Polymères Sorin Ilie Delphine Létant Benoit Teissandier Jean Francois Ecarnot Sebastien Clement TS-MME-Chemical Engineering and Methods (CEM section) + FSU
Chromatography analyses Instruments used: Gas Chromatograph coupled with a mass spectrometer GC Agilent 6890 Plus; Mass Spectrometer Detector HP 5973; Gas Chromatograph GC HP 5890; Thermal Conductivity Detector; GC Agilent 6890 – MS Agilent 5973 GC-TCD HP 5890A
Spectrometry facilities UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Agilent 8453; FT-IR Spectrometer Bruker IFS 66; UV-VIS spectro Agilent 8453 IR-TF spectro Bruker IFS 66
Liquid analysis MME-CEM Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer AAS Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 300; Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy ICP-OES Perkin Elmer Optima 2000; AAS Perkin Elmer AANalyst 300ICP-OES Perkin Elmer Optima 2000
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) Avalanche mode Streamer mode Used for the muons triggering for ATLAS, CMS and ALICE, experiments at LHC ATLASCMS
Ar The nominal composition of the RPC’s gaseous mixture in LHC experiments %Ar SF 6 i-C 4 H 10 R134aALICE ATLAS CMS Example of a GC-MS chromatogram (standard gas mixture RPC – ATLAS)
GC-MS identification of some radiolytic products Zoom 1 ALICE (Id. 19) Example: RPC – ALICE (Id.19)
Cleaning tests of the irradiated gas mixture Mixture before filters Mixture after filters The HF is totally eliminated The filters reduce the total impurities content (~50%)
Solubilisation in 2 drops n-hexan Spectrometer FT-IR Brucker Vertex 70 Copper 1 cm x 2 cm Stainless Steel TS / MME-CEM Evaluation of the presence and nature of greases over metallic surfaces Wavenumber cm Transmittance [%] Silicon grease Mineral grease
Typical IR spectrum of a silicon grease CH 3 asymmetric deformation of Si-CH 3 CH 3 symmetric deformation of Si- CH 3 Si-O-Si stretching vibrations Si-C stretching and CH3 rocking CH stretching of CH 3
Chemical Engineering and Methods Section Resine Epoxy type VANTICO: Tests de tenue mecanique, de pression et de vieillissement Identification of oils and greases on metallic surfaces by FT-IR spectroscopy The analyse of radiation induced chemical effects on the working gas in HEP detectors Portland - Oregon - USA 2003 NSS-IEEE Radiation induced chemical effects on some fluorocarbon used as cooling fluids Spain SHIM 2002 Example of Reports Reports are different activities of the CEM Section are available on the EDMS server: htpps://edms.cern.ch htpps://edms.cern.ch Electropolissage du Tungstene
FUTURE: Do the LHC experiments need analysis during tests / commissioning / running of: Gas composition Radiolytic components in gas (efficiency of filters) Presence or not of HF in gas Presence of silicon oil in installed chamber circuits Cooling fluids composition [CnFm] Radiolytic components in cooling (efficiency of filters) Presence or not of HF in cooling fluids Or any other chemical analysis performed in TS-MME-CEM ? And to which extent?