2-5 Mixtures
What is a mixture A mixture is a blend of two or more pure substances. It can be broken down into two or more pure substances.
Two Types of Mixtures Heterogeneous Mixtures: –Has visibly different parts Granite, Chocolate Chip Cookies Homogenous Mixtures –Do Not have visibly different parts –Seawater, Air
Separating Components Heterogeneous mixtures composed of liquids and solids are separated by filtration. Homogenous mixtures are separated by distillation, crystallization, and chromatography
Distillation takes advantage of boiling points
Crystallization is shown by allowing saltwater to evaporate partially, leaving behind salt crystals
Chromatography. Allowing a solution to flow along a stationary object such as ink on a piece of wet paper.
A Closer Look at Energy and Matter
Changes in matter (governed by the law of conservation of matter) are always accompanied by changes in energy. Whenever matter undergoes change, energy is involved! The law of conservation of energy governs these energy changes. Did energy need to be added to cause the change in matter? Was energy released when the change of matter occurred? Where did the energy come from? These questions and more drove scientists to amazing discoveries, and more questions!