North Dakota Geography
The Dakota Territory, which was established in 1861, was divided in 1889, and both North and South Dakota were admitted to the union on Nov. 2, The town of Rugby is the geographical center of North America. Milk is the official state beverage. An attempt to drop the word North from the state name was defeated by the 1947 Legislative Assembly, they intended to rename the state Dakota. When Dakota Territory was created in 1861 it was named for the Dakota Indian tribe. Dakota is a Sioux word meaning friends or allies. North Dakota Facts
The North Dakota State University is the largest state owned sheep research center in the United States. North Dakota grows more sunflowers than any other state. Kenmare is the Goose Capital of North Dakota. President Theodore Roosevelt first came to Dakota Territory in September 1883 to hunt bison. Before returning home to New York, he became interested in the cattle business and established the Maltese Cross Ranch and the Elkhorn Ranch. The Lewis and Clark expedition encountered their first grizzly (brown) bears in North Dakota. continue…
State Flag & Seal
State Bird & Flower
State Quarter & License Plate
Agricultural Products Grains Livestock
Industries/Non Agricultural Products Lignite Petroleum
Locations of Interest
Famous People from North Dakota