1 Outline of the Presentation Project Preparation Milestones Project, Goal, Purpose and Expected Results Partners and Participants Approach and Timing Human Resources
2 Preparation Milestones in Project Definition and Initial Efforts by ANRS and CIDA Selection of Consultant and signing of Design Contract Design Phase (November 02- December 04) Participatory Preparation of PIP Contract Amendment Jan Mobilization in March 2005
3 Project Goal Increase food security of poor male and female farmers through: IMPROVED WATER MANAGEMENT
4 Project Purpose To strengthen the capacity of institutions involved in water harvesting and agriculture in Amhara Region to work together effectively in order to strengthen: farmers Associations,Communities, male &female farmers families to plan,design,implement and manage sustainable water harvesting and the use of water for irrigated agricultural production
6 Expected Impact Increased sustainable food security through: Improved water harvesting Improved irrigated agriculture Improved land management
7 Expected Results at the End of project (1) Improved knowledge and skills of farm families and community-based organizations in household water harvesting, irrigated agriculture and watershed management Development of sustainable individual and community-owned water harvesting and irrigation schemes
8 Expected Results at the End of project (2) Strengthened woreda agencies and development of an integrated institutional platform at that level Strengthened regional institutions and inter-agency cooperation Strengthened sector agency coordination and cooperation
9 Target Groups Direct Target Groups The poorest farmers Female-headed households Women in male-headed households Woreda institutions The partner institutions Indirect Target Groups Educational and training institutions NGOs
10 Regional Partners Bureau of Agricultural and Rural Development Bureau of Water Resources Development Amhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute Bureau of Cooperatives Promotion
11 Regional participating Agencies Bureau of Finance and Economic development Environmental Protection, land admin.and Use Authority Women’s Affairs office Food Security Programme Coordination and Disaster Prevention Office Bureau of Capacity Building Amhara Water Works and Construction Enterprise
12 Inputs to the Project ANRS in kind contribution ( partners, supporting and collaborating agencies) CIDA’s funding Canadian and Ethiopian specialists and advisors Community and family participation Goods and Equipment Training programmes
13 Advisors and Specialists TYPE Canadian Ethiopian NumberP/monthsNumberP/months Resident Advisors Specialists
14 Implementation Approach Household water harvesting pilot projects in 6 woredas Irrigated agriculture demonstration farms Experimental watershed for soil water conservation(ARARI) Small scale irrigation schemes training studies (BOWRD and communities) Assistance to the construction of 30 farmer training centres (BOARD) Groundwater studies for water harvesting in 2 woredas Special studies, coaching and training-office and lab equipment for the partners
15 Selected Woredas East Belesa- North Gandor West Belesa-North Gandor Goncha Sese Inese-East Gojjam Delanta Dawunt-North Wollo Lalo Mama-North Shewa Were Illu-South Wollo
17 Project Management Project Steering Committee (Partners+CIDA+CEA) Project Management Committee (Operational level) CEA Team Leader and ATL –Joint management in Amhara CEA Project Director in Montreal Consortium Policy Board