PLANNING FOR TENURE STREAM COMPLEMENT - tenure stream appointments serve multiple objectives in relation to UAP priorities: - support traditional academic strengths - contribute to enhancement of the research culture and profile - support complement growth to teach/supervise new enrolments, particularly at the graduate level - advance development of new strategic priority areas - provide replacements for retiring/departing faculty
TENURE STREAM APPOINTMENTS: APPOINTMENTS MADE TO DATE AND APPOINTMENTS AUTHORIZED TO DATE FACULTY APPTS AUTH APPTS MADE TO DATE * APPTS ON OFFER/ IN PROGRESS UNSUCCESSFUL/ DELAYED/ CARRIED FORWARD APPTS AUTHORIZED (AS OF OCT. 24 ‘08) AS151203LA& PS 8.5 AK8503 ED FES22001 FA1211**012 GL HH118***123 OSG21014 FSE SSB74034 LIB11004 TOTALS * Ten delayed starts to Jan. or July 2009 ** incl. new Dean of FFA *** Interim Director of School of Nursing hired internally Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 24, 2008
TENURE STREAM APPOINTMENTS (to date): EQUITY STATUS FAC.APPTS MADE CANAD.NON- CANAD. MALEFEMALE (*self-ID) VISIBLE MINOR.* DIS- ABILITY* ABORI- GINAL* AS (5)200 AK ED FES22011 (1)100 FA (3)101 GL (4)000 HH8**8026 (3)010 OSG FSE (3)300 SSB LIB11001 (1)000 TOTAL (20)811 Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning * based on self-identification ** Interim Director of SoN hired internally October 24, 2008
TRENDS TO : TENURE STREAM APPOINTMENTS: GENDER BREAKDOWN APPT. YEARMALEFEMALETOTAL # OF APPTS %1242.9% %3652.2% %3648.0% %2642.6% %3445.3% %3744.6% %7553.2% %3646.8% %6244% %4847.5% %3044.1%68 TOTAL48753%43247%919 Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 24, 2008
TRENDS TO : TENURE STREAM APPOINTMENTS: EQUITY STATUS APPT. YEAR CANADIAN NON-CAN.VISIBLE MINOR.* DISABILITY*ABORI- GINAL* TOTAL APPTS %711.5%1016.4%11.6% %1925.3%1216%22.7%00% %1518.1%1113.3%00%11.2% %2114.9%2517.7%21.4%32.1% %1418.2%2127.2%11.3%00% %2920.6%3726.2%21.4%1.7% %1615.8%2322.8%11.0%22.0% %68.8%811.8%11.5%1 68 TOTALS % % %101.3%91.2%747 * Statistics in equity categories refer to those who self-identified in hiring process Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 24, 2008
OTHER FULL-TIME COMPLEMENT: CLAs, SRCs, TRUE VISITORS FACULTY CLAs To Date RENEW/CONT NEW SRCs* TOTAL TRUE VISITORS AUTHORIZED AS AK8380 ED FES0000 FA2011 GL3231 HH13300 OSG3000 FSE4010 SSB3001 LIB2000 TOTAL Source: AVP Academic Resource Planning * 2 SRC retirements October1, 2008
NEW CONTRACTUALLY LIMITED APPOINTMENTS (to date): EQUITY STATUS FAC.APPTSCANA- DIAN NON- CANAD. MALEFEMALE (*self-ID) VISIBLE MINOR.* DISA- BILITY* ABORI- GINAL* AS76143 (3)100 AK33003 (2)100 ED FES FA GL22011 (1)000 HH33012 (2)100 OSG FSE SSB LIB TOTAL (8)300 Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning * based on self-identification October 1, 2008
TRENDS TO : NEW CONTRACTUALLY LIMITED APPOINTMENTS: GENDER BREAKDOWN APPT. YEARMALEFEMALETOTAL # OF NEW APPTS %1263.2% %1052.6% %2460% %2046.5% %2663.4% %1555.6% %1348.1% %960.0%15 TOTAL % %231 Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 1, 2008
FIVE-YEAR TREND TO : EQUITY STATUS: TENURE STREAM AND CONTRACTUAL APPOINTEES APPT. YEAR FEMALEVISIBLE MINORITY* DISABILITY*ABORIGINAL*TOTAL APPTS TS CLA %2517.7%21.4%32.1% %614%24.7%00% TS CLA %2127.2%11.3%00% %922%12.4%00% TS CLA 6244%3726.2%21.4%1.7% %518.5%13.7%00% TS CLA %2322.8%11.0%22.0% %622.2%13.7%00% TS CLA %811.8%11.5% %320.0%00%0 15 TOTALS TS CLA % %71.3% %2918.9%53.3%00%153 Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning * based on self-identification October 24, 2008
STUDENT/FACULTY RATIOS Including Both Full-time and Part-time Faculty Undergraduate (including TAs) Undergraduate (excluding TAs) Including Full-time Faculty Only Undergraduate Graduate Total Students Including Tenured and Tenure Stream Faculty Only Undergraduate Graduate Total Students Note: Student/librarian ratio for : students/librarian or student FTEs/librarian (slide amended: December 11, 2008) Source: Office of Institutional Research and Analysis Note: data for will be available later in the year October 2008
TENURE STREAM COMPLEMENT PLANNING: FACULTY AND LIBRARIANS (October 1st) Source: Office of the AVP Academic Resource Planning October 24, 2008
AVERAGE CLASS SIZE BASED ON PRIMARY MEET Study Level st Year Level nd Year Level rd Year Level th Year Level Source: Office of Institutional Research and Analysis October 2008
PERCENT OF TIME SPENT IN CLASSES WITH FEWER THAN 30 STUDENTS Study Level st Year Level 28.6%29.4%28.8%29.4%27.0% 2 nd Year Level 31.6%28.1%27.5%28.7%28.6% 3 rd Year Level 30.9%29.8%29.9%29.6%31.4% 4 th Year Level 47.0%47.4%45.7%46.4%48.0% Source: Office of Institutional Research and Analysis October 2008
GRADUATE PLANNING: Enrolments (Domestic and International)
ENROLMENT PLANNING: Undergraduate (Domestic and Ineligible)
ENROLMENT PLANNING: Total (FTE) Enrolments: Graduate and Undergraduate
ACADEMIC PRIORITIES : planning for transition to establishment of Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, July 1, 2009 research intensification and profile exploration of opportunity/planning for a medical school at York planning for science and engineering growth and development consultations around graduate planning and alignment consideration of potential for and implications of GTA growth and enrolment demand