Module 6 MM5: Overview William J. Gutowski, Jr. Iowa State University
GOALS: Flow of information in MM5 system Tasks of individual codes Emphasis on climate simulation Module 6 MM5: Overview
OUTLINE: Overall System Preprocessing MM5 details Module 6 MM5: Overview
OUTLINE: Overall System Module 6 MM5: Overview
REGRID INTERPF MM5 Modeling System Preprocessing TERRAIN
REGRID INTERPF MM5 MM5 Modeling System Preprocessing Simulation TERRAIN
MM5 REGRID INTERPF Output Analysis MM5 Modeling System Preprocessing Simulation Postprocessing TERRAIN GRAPH/RI P
MM5 Coordinates: Vertical
MM5 Coordinates: Horizontal I J (1,1) (IMAX,JMAX)
MM5 Coordinates: Horizontal XXX XXX XXX I J (1,1) (IMAX,JMAX)
MM5 Coordinates: Horizontal XXX XXX XXX I J (1,1) (IMAX,JMAX) u,v T,q,p’,w Arakawa B-grid
MM5 Modeling System How does a “flat” grid... XX XX
MM5 Modeling System How does a “flat” grid......represent part of the spherical earth? XX XX ?
MM5 Modeling System By projection to a flat plane
MM5 Modeling System Polar Stereographic True at 90 o
MM5 Modeling System Lambert Conformal True at, e.g., 30 o and 60 o
MM5 Modeling System Mercator True at 0 o
MM5 Modeling System Map Factor: m = (distance on grid)/(distance on earth)
MM5 Modeling System Forcing Frame: for lateral boundary conditions “free” interior
MM5 Modeling System Other Features: Nonhydrostatic Grid nesting
OUTLINE: Overall System Preprocessing Module 6 MM5: Overview
Preprocessing Data preparation: topography land use gridded, 3-D atmospheric fields wind temperature humidity geopotential height initial surface conditions soil moisture soil temperature (direct observations)
Preprocessing TERRAIN (1) establishes model domain and grid (2) interpolates topographic and land use data to model grid
Preprocessing TERRAIN domain specifications: projection
Preprocessing TERRAIN domain specifications: projection central latitude/longitude
Preprocessing TERRAIN domain specifications: projection central latitude/longitude # of grid points (IMAX,JMAX)
Preprocessing TERRAIN domain specifications: projection central latitude/longitude # of grid points grid spacing (IMAX,JMAX) X, Y
Preprocessing TERRAIN input: 1. Topographic data 1 o 30 min. 10 min. 5 min. 30 sec.
Preprocessing TERRAIN input: 2. Land use/vegetation data PSU/NCAR (13 categories, global) SiB (17 categories, North America) USGS (25 categories, global)
Preprocessing TERRAIN input: 3. Land/water mask SiB (North America) USGS (global)
Preprocessing TERRAIN input: 4. Soil texture 5. Monthly vegetation fraction 6. Deep soil temperature
Preprocessing TERRAIN interpolation options: 16-point, 2-D overlapping parabolic fit (all TERRAIN fields) Cressman-type objective analysis (topography only)
Preprocessing TERRAIN output files: terrestrial data files printout (run information) file plot file in NCAR Graphics format
Preprocessing REGRID Interpolates gridded atmospheric data horizontally to model grid
Preprocessing REGRID input: TERRAIN output Atmospheric analysis on pressure levels
Preprocessing REGRID output: Atmospheric data on model’s horizontal grid (on pressure levels)
Preprocessing INTERPF Interpolates atmospheric data vertically to model grid Generates surface fields: pressure, air temperature Initializes nonhydrostatic model
Preprocessing INTERPF 1. Ingest REGRID output 2. Interpolate vertically to coordinate 3. Output initial conditions & lateral boundary conditions
OUTLINE: Overall System Preprocessing MM5 details Module 6 MM5: Overview
REGRID INTERPF MM5 MM5 details Preprocessing Simulation TERRAIN
Conservation laws: (1) Projected to model grid (2) Transformed to sigma coordinates MM5 details Earlier: Tutorial, p.8-4:
Conservation laws: (1) Projected to model grid (2) Transformed to sigma coordinates MM5 details Earlier: Tutorial, p.8-4:
Time Stepping: MM5 details tt tt n-1nn+1 T, q, advection, physics, boundary, coriolis, diffusion terms Long (leapfrog) step
Split-explicit Time Stepping: MM5 details tt tt n-1nn+1 T, q, advection, physics, boundary, coriolis, diffusion terms pressure gradients, divergence terms Short (forward) step Long (leapfrog) step
MM5 details Convection parameterization Options - None Anthes-Kuo Grell Arakawa-Schubert Fritsch-Chappell Kain-Fritsch Betts-Miller Shallow Cumulus
MM5 details Explicit Moisture Schemes Options - Dry Stable Warm microphysics Simple ice Mixed phase Goddard Reisner graupel Schultz microphysics
Planetary Boundary Layer Schemes MM5 details Options - None Bulk High-Res. Blackadar Burk-Thompson Eta MRF Gayno-Seaman
MM5 details Radiation Schemes Options - None Simple cooling Cloud-radiation CCM2 RRTM longwave
MM5 details Land Surface Schemes Options - None Force-Restore Five-Layer Soil OSU/Eta Land-Surface Model
MM5 details Scheme Couplings Radiation Surface Explicit Moisture Convection PBL cloud moistening downward SW & LW upward LW & albedo sfc. fluxes sfc. T,q,wind
REGRID INTERPF MM5 Output Analysis MM5 Modeling System Preprocessing Simulation Postprocessing TERRAIN GRAPH/RI P