Procedure: See Periodic Table Lab Handout Reactions with O 2,H 2 O (BOTH) Mg and Ca (Alkaline Earth Metals) Alakali Metals (Sodium, Lithium and Potassium May use Phenolphtalein (presence of OH-) Reactions with HCl and flame tests for Mg and Ca(Alkaline Earth Metals) Looking at Hardness for Alkali Metals
Data Data table to collect all important reactions and observations Must have titles and labels Observe strength of reaction between Alkali metals and Alkaline Metals Compare strength of the reaction within families and groups
Data Analysis and Conclusion Answer Questions and Conclusions
What did you discover about reactivity in the periodic table? Use data to support your answer
Periodic Trends Ionization Energy-The amount of energy it takes to pluck an electron from an element Atomic Radii (Relates to size)
What patterns did you discover about Ionization Energy and Atomic Size In the periodic table?
Atomic Number Atomic radius (pm)
How do these traits relate to Reactivity?
Ionization energy It is easier to pluck an electron from an element that is close to becoming stable from loosing an electron Ex Ca has a lower ionization energy than Ni Nobel gasses have the highest ionization energy because they are stable They do not want to loose an electron, Thus they are not reactive Metals that have a low ionization energy are very reactive
Atomic Size As you add an energy level you will increase the size of an atom As you go down the periodic table size will increase Therefore Rb is bigger than K
Elements with more protons will hold elements electrons closer because they are more massive As you move from Left to Right in a period Atomic Size will decrease Therefore S is Larger than Cl
Ionization energy vs Atomic Number Ionization energy decreases as you go down the periodic table Ex: Rationale: electrons are farther away from the pull of the nucleus. They are easier to “pluck off” Ionization energy decreases as you move from right to left across the periodic table Ex: Noble Gasses are the most stable – They require the most energy to remove because of this
How this relates to reactivity Most reactive Metals are in the Lower left corner (lowest Ionization Energy,Largest Radius) Most reactive Non metals are in the upper left corner(Highest Ionization Energy, (WANT ELECTRONS) Smallest
Which Elements do not follow the trend? Why?
Should we do anything else before spring break? Be ready to work hard when you return!! We will start a new unit bonding when you return!