2/24-25/15 Starter: /24 Explain what classification system is used to classify organisms 2/25 Group the items listed into two groups and explain why they are grouped that way: bats, fish, eagles, dolphins, butterflies, tadpoles, sparrows, water snakes Practice/Application/ Connection: Dichotomous Key Project: You will have two days in class to work on your project. All materials must be complete to get the full grade. Any projects not completed in class will be due by Friday 2/27/15 2/24-25/15 Dichotomous Keys Activity 2/24 How are dichotomous keys constructed and used to classify organisms? 2/25 What are the eight levels of classification? Dichotomous Keys notes Exit:
1 Starter 2. Project February AGENDA B.8A Define taxonomy and recognize the importance of a standardized taxonomic system to the scientific community ELPS. c1C, c1E
Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 2/12 Ordering Fossils Activity /13 Evidence of Fossils /17 Test Review /19-20 Classification /23 Dichotomous Key Notes /24 Dichotomous Key Project Table of Contents
2/24-25/15 Starter: /24 Explain what classification system is used to classify organisms 2/25 Group the items listed into two groups and explain why they are grouped that way: bats, fish, eagles, dolphins, butterflies, tadpoles, sparrows, water snakes Practice/Application/ Connection: Dichotomous Key Project: You will have two days in class to work on your project. All materials must be complete to get the full grade. Any projects not completed in class will be due by Friday 2/27/15 2/24-25/15 Dichotomous Keys Activity 2/24 How are dichotomous keys constructed and used to classify organisms? 2/25 What are the eight levels of classification? Dichotomous Keys notes Exit: