Kronos Information for DU Supervisors: Managing Timecards without Schedules
An exception is a deviation from an employee’s normal work schedule. If no schedule is set, no exceptions will be shown on the supervisor home screen, except for a missed In or Out punch. To reconcile timecards for employees without schedules you will have to work in the Timecard to review the details. Continue
Select Reconcile Timecard.
In this example, let’s look at Employee NBH 1 and Employee NBH 2 (Non-benefitted hourly). Select Employee NBH 1 and Employee NBH 2 by holding the Ctrl key on your keyboard and selecting the employees with your mouse.
Click View Timecard to see the timecards for the selected employees.
Here you see the Timecard for Employee NBH 1. Typically, this employee works Monday through Wednesday. After speaking with Employee NBH 1 you found out that he forgot to record his time on Tuesday, August 25 th. This did not create an exception, since he does not have a schedule set up in Kronos. You also notice that Employee NBH 1 forgot to record his time Out on 8/31. He notified you that he left at 12:02PM. Click Continue to proceed. Continue
To enter the missed time, select the In column in the Tue 8/25 row and enter 8:00AM.
To enter the missed out time, select the Out column in the Tue 8/25 row and enter 12:00PM.
Select Save.
To record the Missed time out, enter 12:02pm in the red box.
Click the Save button.
Now that you have reconciled Employee NBH 1’s timecard, move to Employee NBH 2. Click the -> button to access the next Timecard.
Employee NBH 2 has no time recorded in the current pay period. He notified you that he forgot to record his time on Wednesday, August 26 th. Continue
To enter the missed time, select the In column in the Wed 8/26 row and enter 12:00PM.
To enter the missed Out time, select the Out column in the Wed 8/26 row and enter 4:00PM.
Click the Save button.
This concludes “Managing Timecards without Schedules”.