Black Holes: from stellar mass to AGN GiorgioMatt Giorgio Matt (D ipartimento di Fisica, (D ipartimento di Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Italy ) Università.


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Presentation transcript:

Black Holes: from stellar mass to AGN GiorgioMatt Giorgio Matt (D ipartimento di Fisica, (D ipartimento di Fisica, Università Roma Tre, Italy ) Università Roma Tre, Italy )

Plan of the talk  Galactic Black Hole Binaries (10 M Θ )  ULX – Intermediate mass BH? ( M Θ )  Active Galactic Nuclei (radio-quiet, unobscured) ( M Θ ) (With contributions from Stefano Bianchi and Gabriele Ponti )

Black holes, from S to XXL log Tb = 2.1 log M BH log L bol (McHardy et al. 2006) Is physics the same, whatever the mass? It is accretion, after all.... GR effects are scale invariant T disc  M BH -1/4 Environment is different Fundamental plane for BH (Merloni et al. 2003, Falcke et al. 2004)

Black holes, from S to XXL log Tb = 2.1 log M BH log L bol (McHardy et al. 2006) (Chiaberge 2007) A distance artifact? (Bregman 2005 )

Black holes, from S to XXL log Tb = 2.1 log M BH log L bol (McHardy et al. 2006) (Chiaberge 2007) A distance artifact? Likely not (Merloni et al ) Fundamental plane for BH (Merloni et al. 2003, Falcke et al. 2004)

Why Simbol-X? BH accreting systems emit over a broad band, with significant emission above 10 keV (at least in GBHB and in AGN. We want to know if this holds true also for ULX! ). Hard X-ray emission is likely due to Comptonization with kT of several tens of keV or more (see P.O. Petrucci’s talk) The spectrum is usually rather complex, and broad band coverage is required to disentangle the different components.  Simplified (!!) version of the typical radio-quiet AGN spectrum

General topics  Primary emission: thermal/non thermal; kT; anisotropy effects; variability (so far only in a handful of AGN, and in BHB in active states) (more in P.O. Petrucci’s talk)  Compton Reflection component: (AGN: relativistic vs. torus; GBHB: relation with states; ULX: is it there?); neutral vs. ionized; comparison with iron line EW (iron abundance; optical depth); reflection vs. absorption (e.g. the ~7 keV spectral drop in NLSy1) (more from M. Dadina and G. Miniutti)  Relativistic effects: good knowledge of the underlying continuum (see J. Wilms’s talk, R. Goosmann and M. Dovciak’s posters)

Galactic BH systems Gierlinski et al BHB can be found in different states: low, intermediate, high and very high, with many sources switching from one state to the other. The main driving parameters is believed to be the accretion rate. Esin 1997

Galactic BH systems in quiescence Many sources, however, spend most of the time in a quiescent state, with luminosities several orders of magnitude lower than in the active states. Not much is known about the quiescent state. Radiatively inefficient flow? The brightest BHB in quiescence have fluxes of (0.1-1)x cgs (e.g Kong et al. 2002): too faint for BeppoSAX and Suzaku, but bright enough for Simbol-X Narayan et al. 1998

X-ray states are connected with radio emission and jets (see J. Malzac’s talk) Is hard X-ray emission in hard states also related to jets? Does the reflection component agrees with this picture? Fender et al GX339-4 in low/hard state (Miller et al. 2006)

Ultraluminous X-ray sources The very nature of Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULX; Lx>10 39 erg/s) is still unclear. Intermediate Mass Black Holes or beamed emission? Possibly a mixed bag, but in at least a few cases the IMBH hypothesis is likely or at least tenable (e.g. Miller et al. 2004, Miniutti et al. 2006). There are two spectral types of ULX: Power law (PL) and Convex spectrum (CS) (e.g Makishima 2007). Often both components are present. Sources may switch to one type to the other (like in GBHB?). IC 342 X-1 and X-2 (Kubota et al. 2001)

ULX: the role of Simbol-X Is the high energy cutoff in the PL states lower than in BHB, as seems to be the case in some objects? Is there always a PL component in the CS state? (and a CS component in the PL state?) What is the dominant component? Is there a relation between ULX and GBHB states? More generally, how the ULX broad-band spectra compare with those of BHB and AGN? Is there a reflection component? (no iron line found yet!) Hard X-ray observations are needed ! (not available yet because of confusion and lack of sensitivity)

AGN: the reflection component The hard X-ray sensitivity of Simbol-X is ideal to search for reflection components in a large sample of sources, down to relatively faint ones, to map the circumnuclear matter. The reflection component gives additional information to those provided by the iron line. In fact, the ratio of the line EW and the reflection component depends on the iron abundance and on the optical depth of the reflecting matter. > (Matt, Guainazzi & Maiolino 2003)

An example: the IT effect (see S. Bianchi’s poster) log(EW Fe )=(1.73±0.03) + (-0.17±0.03) log(L X,44 ) Bianchi et al The Iwasawa-Taniguchi (a.k.a. X-ray Baldwin) effect is the anticorrelation between the EW of the iron line (narrow core) and the X-ray luminosity (first discovered by Iwasawa & Taniguchi 1993)

An example: the IT effect (see S. Bianchi’s poster) The IT effect may be due to a decrease with L of the covering factor of the reflecting matter (a similar effect has been found by Maiolino et al using infrared data). log(EW Fe )=(1.73±0.03) + (-0.17±0.03) log(L X,44 ) Bianchi et al. 2007

Simbol-X can do the same for the reflection component (100 sources x 50 ks exposure = 5 Ms). We’ll learn about the optical depth of the matter (BLR? Torus?) and the iron abundance, and on their dependence on the luminosity (Eddington ratio? BH mass?)

AGN: the origin of the soft excess (see G. Ponti’s poster) Somewhat paradoxically, thanks to its hard X-ray coverage Simbol-X can help solving the long standing problem of the soft X-ray excess. The soft X-ray excess was first discovered in the EXOSAT spectrum of Mkn 841 (Arnaud et al. 1985). Mkn 841 (Petrucci et al. 2007) The thermal disc interpretation of the soft X-ray excess has two problems: the derived temperatures are too high and always the same (T  M -1/4 ). Is the soft excess related to atomic physics? Two models: relativistically smeared absorption (Gierlinski & Done 2004) and ionized disc reflection (Crummy et al. 2006)

Simbol-X can easily distinguish between the two models. XMM-Newton data are usually well fitted by both models even in bright sources because of the limited band. Even BeppoSAX and Suzaku are unable to solve the issue.

Summary  Simbol-X can explore for the first time the hard X- ray emission of GBHB in quiescence and of Ultraluminous X-ray Sources (IMBH candidates)  In AGN, Simbol-X can significantly expand the number of sources with precise measurement of the reflection component, searching for correlations with e.g. the luminosity.  It can also help solving the more than 20 years old problem of the soft X-ray excess.