ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS Principles of Architecture and Construction UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved.
Starter/Bell Ringer Activity Students, please take your seats with your assigned Team Work Stations. Delegate 1 Team Member to be today’s Team Representative. Each Team Member needs to observe and hold the flooring material sample assigned to your Team’s Station. What do you think we are going to need these samples for? UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved.
Refresh your Vocabulary As a Class, let’s refresh our memory on a few key words: Building Materials Estimate Volume vs. Area Scale factor Foot, Inch, Yard, Cubic, Square, etc… Ratio, Common Denominator, Rounding, Fraction, Mixed Number, etc... Yes, these are “math” terms! Cost Unit Approximate vs. Exact UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved.
Let’s start with our Student Teams With your Team, you will follow the Handout. You will answer questions 1-5 together as a Team. You will first answer questions #1-3 as a Team. The sample material your Team has will help you, and you will use the internet to complete the research. You will then answer question #4 by “joining forces” with your neighboring teams and share the data you collected. Then, as a Student Team again, answer question #5. As INDIVIDUALS, each of your will contribute to the entire classes group discussion to complete Question #6 of the Handout. UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved.
End of Class Wrap Up and Summary As Individuals, each of you will be asked to contribute to the class discussion the following questions… What did we actually measure today? What units/increments of measurement did we use? What other units/increments of measurement CAN we use that are similar? How much did each material cost per unit? How did the Client’s Requests affect our choice of material? What made you choose the material that you did? How can we determine what is the best material to use? UNT in partnership with TEA. Copyright ©. All rights reserved.