NEAREST Kick Off Meeting Bologna, 09/10/2006 WP2 Tsunami source characterisation
OBJECTIVES Collect wide-angle seismic profiles across the continental margin and basins offshore SW Iberia to obtain 2-D velocity models and constrain the geometry of the main boundaries. Integration of existing MCS depth images and WAS velocity models must allow to: 1)Map the deep crustal and upper mantle structure, so that geodynamic models of the area can be tested; 2) Determine the location and crustal-scale geometry of the main fault surfaces accommodating plate convergence; 3) Construct coarse 3-D velocity models to be used to relocate local seismicity recorded in WP3; 4) Constrain physical properties ( ) to characterise the main structural domains and tectonic features.
TASKS Task 2.1 Reprocessing and pre-stack depth migration of existing MCS data Participating: CSIC/ICREA, ISMAR,UBO Task 2.2 Wide-Angle reflection/refraction acquisition experiment Participating: CSIC, ISMAR,UBO, CNRST, INGV, AWI, FFCUL Task 2.3 Processing and modelling of acquired wide- angle seismic data Participating: CSIC,UBO, AWI, FFCUL 1 Pre-doc student (36 months)
Task 2.1 Reprocessing and pre-stack depth migration of existing MCS data What profiles are worth to be depth-migrated? What are the criteria to select them?
Task 2.2 Wide-Angle reflection/refraction acquisition experiment CSIC request for ~30 days shiptime with BIO Hesperides (WAS only) Profile 1: 295 km, Horseshoe Abyssal plain to accretionary wedge. To characterize E-W dipping subduction zone under the Gibraltar arc Profile 2: 305 km, Iberian to the Moroccan margin. To constrain 3-D geometry of plate boundary, lineament of Portimao-Guadalq. Banks, nature and variability of the crust under the prism Profile 3: 275 km, NE limit of Gorringe Bank to E Coral Patch Ridge To characterize deep structure of Marques de Pombal and Horseshoe fault system ~25-30 OBS/H each profile > LSF IFM- GEOMAR + CSIC, UBO-Ifremer, FFCUL?
Task 2.2 Wide-Angle reflection/refraction acquisition experiment BB AWI-OBS network location? Shot over the BB AWI-OBS network that will be deployed as part of WP3: Network location and consequent airgun shot locations to be defined Ship schedules to be defined and coordinated (09/2007 difficult for Hesperides)
Task 2.3 Processing and modelling of acquired wide-angle seismic data Data pre-processing, phase picking 2-D refraction/reflection travel-time inversion along profiles (velocity, reflector’s geometry) Estimation of model parameters uncertainty > Monte-Carlo type Construction of a 3-D block using 2-D profiles 3-D first arrival inversion at the BB AWI-OBS network sub-region > to be used joint inversion of local earthkaques location SUB-TASKS
WP2 DELIVERABLES D4 - Reprocessing of existing MCS data D5 - Cruise for reflection/refraction experiment at sea D6 - Processing of wide-angle seismic data WP2 MILESTONES M2 – End of the processing of reflection/refraction data, end of experiments at sea
Proposal for funding and shiptime with Hesperides(?) submitted to Spanish Agency (Acciones Complementarias to EU Projects) in July 20th 2006 Max. Budget is 25% of EU contribution to CSIC Response expected by the end of this year ACTIONS MADE TO DATE NEAREST-SEIS (WP2) 29 days shiptime Dates: 09/2007 – 09/2008 MCS + WAS + Multibeam + Potential fields NEAREST-CORE (WP6) 21 days shiptime Dates: 09/2007 – 09/2008 Coring + HRS + Multibeam + Heat flux
NEAREST-SEIS 7 days MCS 20 days WAS Port call in Cadiz between the 2 legs
PROPOSED SCHEDULE AND POTENTIAL ISSUES WP2 Objectives & Tasks Accomplishment Pre-doc (asap!) MCS > OKWAS? > Survey! Approval (12/2006)Available shiptime slot? OBS/H Hespérides > not before 11/2008! Sarmiento de Gamboa > operative by 01/2008(?) LSF-GEOMAR once shiptime allocated CSIC funding for requested in 08/2006 Other OBS?