Unit 2 Language Reading English and its history By Cang Hong
Pictograph 象形字 象形字 a depiction of a material object. Sun Moon 日 月 mon-a mone-e moonsun-ne sun-ne sun
1. What is the article about? 2. What are the three kinds of English discussed in the article? 3. Is English still changing? Skimming and scanning Old English, Middle English and Modern English. Yes. English and its history.
Old English consisted of an Anglo-Saxon base plus words from the languages of French and Norway. ( T/F ) Where did the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes come from? Why can similar pairs of words be found in the English language? Listening: Old English F the European mainland Because each word or phrase came from a different language.
1. In 1066, the Normans took control of the country and English was replaced with French. 2. The words for most animals come from old English just because the animals were raised and cooked by English servants. 3. English was used for all official occasions after the Norman Conquest. 4. What was the German plural form replaced by? 5. Which King of England used English for all official occasions? T F F Middle English(1-3 T/F) the French way of making of making plurals King Henry IV
People from different places sometimes misunderstand each other though they both speak English. ( T/F ) When did Modern English appear? T Modern English During the Renaissance in the 16th century.
Reading strategy: reading a history article dates, years, e.g. the 5th century …help you understand a sequence of events and how pieces of information relate to the text What should you notice? Why? What can you do when you read a history article? Make a time chart, listing relevant information such as times, places and events…
TimeEvents Before the middle of 5th century At the end of 9th century By 10th century People in Britain all spoke a language called Celtic. The Vikings invaded Britain and brought their languages. Old English was the official language of England. Note taking: Old English
TimeEvents In 1066 By the latter half of 14th century In 1399 The Normans conquered England and took control of the country. English was adopted by all classes in England. Henry IV became King of England and used English for all official occasions. Note taking: Middle English
Old English French ox beef mutton pork bacon cow sheep pig Note taking : Words for animals and meat:
ox- oxen house—houses man- men foot– feet shoe--shoes shoe- shoen house- housen tooth---teeth child—children Note taking: Ways of making plurals: the German way the French way
TimeEvents During the Renaissan ce in 16th century Modern English began. Note taking: Modern English
Student Times 第 30 期 B2 任务型阅读 1.Invaded 2.brought 3.Celtic 4.Old-English 5. similar 6.conquered 7.control 8.replace 9.resulted 10. Renaissance
1.Languages borrow words from each other. List some. e.g. English words from Chinese 2.What do you think is the most difficult part of studying English---pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary or something else? Discussion: 功夫 Kung fu 少林 Shaolin 旗袍 chipao/qipao 麻将 mahjong 豆腐 tofu (bean curd) 孔子 / 孔老夫子 Confucius
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