Homework Reflection (for those able to attend in Nov ) You are a STEM teacher at Ideal Middle School in the Dream District….and have time to implement both the AMSTI hands-on genetics unit and the EYE Puppies module with the STEM design challenge to help students learn this important heredity and genetics content. How would you sequence them and why?
Homework Reflection ( for those not able to attend in Nov ) We had a spirited discussion about our values and beliefs about integrated STEM as part of the Seminar. This reflection hopefully will bring those not present into that conversation. Review the slides 3, 4, and 5 below, and discuss with a colleague responses to the questions on the last slide. Be prepared to share in January.
Develop a community of STEM specialists -- Why?? President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, National Academy of Science, National Academy of Engineering… …“recommends a comprehensive investment in quality STEM education programs” (p31) …“the current ways of teaching and learning need to be reinvented to harmonize with changes in the practice of science/technology”…(p32) A tall order!
Deepen understanding of K-12 STEM education that uses engineering design challenges and the design process to integrate STEM… Why ? … “national … policymakers are pushing a STEM agenda.” (p32) … “there are no agreed-on articulations for the goals, curriculum arrangements, and classroom practices for STEM integration.” (p32) … “schools and teachers are left to determine a structure through which this integration could or should occur without guidance from policymakers or research into STEM integration models.” (p33)
STEM Integration Beliefs & Values “Many researchers and educators agree that curriculum integration can provide more meaningful learning experiences for students”…“as STEM education is currently structured and implemented, it does not reflect the natural interconnectedness of the four STEM components in the real world…”(p 32) Do you agree?…completely or with certain reservations? How far should we go with integration? Is there a place for S. T. E. M. and integrated STEM?