Java OceanAtlas A Cross-Platform Application for Visualization and Selection of Oceanographic Profile Data John R. Osborne
Overview of JOA features Interactive browsing of profile data –Offset property-property profiles (waterfall diagrams) –Color profile plot with any variable –Contour plots (depth sections) –Surface contour plots (on a map) Contour lines, area fill plots, pixel plots Integrated into the EPIC environment –Reads and writes EPIC netCDF and pointer files New ‘NdEdit’ function –Browse data locations in space/time Select in box, polygon, section line, along bathymetry contours Refine data selection by deleting or retaining files –On-line help
Java Ocean Atlas Input/Output New simplified CSV ‘WHP-Exchange’ files ‘Spreadsheet’ files Save in these types Reads and writes many file types
NdEdit Unique interactive Java tool for in-situ data –Linked windows for browsing locations in time/space –Overlay bathymetry –Filter in time or space –Select with box, polygon, segmented section line –Retain or delete selected stations as EPIC pointer file
Java OceanAtlas Sophisticated, with many functions User interface is friendly, but offers many options
Informative default interface Full user customization The JOA Data Window
JOA Demo JOA Websites FTP, Information, On-line Help The Future JOA for all in-situ data types JOA Demo JOA Websites FTP, Information, On-line Help The Future JOA for all in-situ data types